
A collection of Jade snippets for Brackets editor.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Jade Snippets for Brackets

A collection of Jade snippets for Brackets editor.


Git Clone

  1. Under main menu select Help > Show Extensions Folder
  2. Git clone this repository inside the folder user.

Extension Manager

  1. Under main menu select File > Extension Manager...
  2. Search for "Jade snippets"
  3. Click "Install"

How to use

  1. Enable Jade Snippets
    Under main menu select Edit > Enable Jade Snippets or
    open the Preferences File and add "jade-snippets.enabled": true.
  2. Enter a snippet and hit the Tab key.

Snippets list


itemt => itemtype="http://schema.org/*"

data => data-*=""

aria aria-*=""


a => a(href="")

at => a(href="", target="_blank")

img => img(src="", width="", height="", alt="")

script => script(type="text/javascript", src="")

link => link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="")


form => form(id="", name="", action="", method="")

inp => input(type="text", placeholder="")

inpe => input(type="email", placeholder="")

inptel => input(type="tel", placeholder="")

inpd => input(type="date", placeholder="")

inpdt => input(type="datetime", placeholder="")

inpdtl => input(type="datetime-local", placeholder="")

inpf => input(type="file", accept="")

inpfm => input(type="file", accept="", multiple="multiple")

inph => input(type="hidden", value="")

inpti => input(type="time", placeholder="")

inpdm => input(type="month", placeholder="")

inpw => input(type="week", placeholder="")

inpc => input(type="color", value="")

inpch => input(type="checkbox", value="", checked="checked")

inpn => input(type="number", value="", min="", max="", step="")

inpp => input(type="password", placeholder="")

inpr => input(type="range", value="", min="", max="", step="")

inpurl => input(type="url", placeholder="")

inps => input(type="search", placeholder="")

textarea => textarea(placeholder="")

button => button(type="button") button

reset => input(type="reset")

submit => input(type="submit", value="submit")


temp =>

doctype html
title Document
meta(http-equiv="content-type", content="text/html; charset=UTF-8")
meta(name="description", content="")
meta(name="keywords", content="")
link(rel="stylesheet", href="")