
A collection of WSGI utilities, including: solariwsgi, a WSGI middleware dispatching layer (similar to routes), that maps URLs to applications (and has decorators to turn apps into more conventional controllers); solariajax, a solari addon that makes it easy to stitch together server-rendered HTML in the browser; solarigenshi (coming soon), a solari plugin to make it easy to render genshi templates in solari controllers.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ten-second overview:

File mycontroller.py:
from solariwsgi import this, DispatchTarget, controller

@DispatchTarget('myproj.hello', '/hello/{name}', name='.*')
def hello(name):
    return "Hello {}!".format(name)

File run.py:
import solariwsgi
import mycontroller

from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

make_server('', 8080, solari.application).serve_forever()

$ python run.py

And that's enough to be off to the races with!  Of course, there's more to it
than that.  If you set up the myproj package like:

        __init__.py  # Content: import mycontroller

File mycontroller.py:
from solariwsgi import this, DispatchTarget, controller

@DispatchTarget('myproj.hello', '/hello/{name}', name='.*')
def hello(name):
    return this.render('myproj/mygenshi.xml', {name=name, title='hello'})

File mygenshi.xml:
        <script type="text/javascript" href="${urlfor('static', package='myproj', path='js/myjavascript.js')}"/>
        Hello, ${name}!

File run.py:
import solariwsgi
import solariwsgi.controllers.static


from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

make_server('', 8080, solari.application).serve_forever()

Here's the magic that's going on:

- importing solariwsgi.controllers.static sets up a controller for static content.
- registerPackage imports myproj.controllers (which in turn imports mycontroller).
- urlfor is a function that takes a dispatch target name and kwargs and makes a URL to that target.
- this and urlfor get added to the namespace used for rendering genshi templates.