
Simple Microk8s and Vagrant setup using VirtualBox

Primary LanguageShell

CloudHero Local Dev Environment


  • VirtualBox.
  • Vagrant
  • Virtualization enabled on your system (if using Windows).

Installing VirtualBox

In order to install VirtualBox, use this link:


Installing Vagrant

Vagrant offers install options for all operating systems as well:


There are installers for Mac, Windows, Debian and CentOS.

If you have any other Linux Distribution, you can choose the Linux tab and download the binary.

After that, you can go to your Downloads forlder and run sudo mv vagrant /usr/local/bin/ to put it somewhere where your terminal can find it (this step is necessary only if you are using the binary from the Linux tab).

After installing, commands like vagrant version should work from anywhere.

For Windows we recommend that you use Power Shell, instead of cmd.

Getting Started

This Local Dev Environment is created using Vagrant and aims to offer a one-click setup experience to developers.

The steps to creating the VM for the local DEV environment are:

  1. Download Git:
  2. Clone this repository:
    • git clone https://github.com/cloud-hero/vagrant-microk8s.git
  3. Enter the repo directory:
    • cd vagrant-microk8s
  4. Run vagrant up.
  5. Run vagrant ssh.
  6. To check that all is up and running you should run:
$ kubectl get ns

and see

NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   2m1s
kube-node-lease   Active   2m2s
kube-public       Active   2m2s
kube-system       Active   2m2s
metallb-system    Active   112s


$ docker ps

and see

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
  • To stop the VM run vagrant halt inside the vagrant folder. To start a VM from a Stopped or Aborted state, use vagrant up.