
Simple Android app to display the pimatic frontend inside Android. This is not a native app!

Should work from 4.2+ up.


If you have trouble with the version here on github try this:


  • Better way of navigating to config (not two title bars in one app) swiping? Edit: Fixed by double tap
  • Improve Error Handling (SSL etc.) Edit: Added toggling option to config // show ssl error if occurs
  • add option to toggle fullscreen (#2) Edit: Added toggle to config
  • Option to change resolution (#1) Edit: Value between 0 (default) and 800%
  • Improve caching?
  • Native app

Source Code

I'm not an Android developer you'll see when you take a look at the source code ;-) I use Eclipse with ADT - just import the "sources" folder into Eclipse.


screen1 screen2 screen3