Repository for Data Structure Lab Semester 3 KTU
1. What is a data structure ?
2. Why is there a need for data to be structured ?
3. Explain Bubble Sort's working
4.Primitive and non primitive data types
5.Linked list advantage
6.Diff btw binary search nd linear search
7.Dfs and bfs explain
8.Post order traversal
9.Full and complete binary tree definition
10.Linear and non linear data structure example
11.Define data structure
12.Define graph
13.Difference between DFS and bfs
14.Difference between complete and full binary tree
1. Implementation of Polynomials and Sparse matrices using arrays**
2. Implementation of Stack , Queues, Priority Queues, DEQUEUE and Circular Queues using arrays**
3. Application problems using stacks: Conversion of expression from one notation to another notation . **
4. Implementation of various linked list operations. **
5. Implementation of stack, queue and their applications using linked list.pression
6. Implementation of trees using linked list
7. Representation of polynomials using linked list, addition and multiplication of polynomials. **
8. Implementation of binary trees using linked lists and arrays- creations, insertion, deletion and traversal. **
9. Implementation of binary search trees – creation, insertion, deletion, search
10. Any application programs using trees
11. Implementation of sorting algorithms – bubble, insertion, selection, quick, merge sort and heap sort.**
12. Implementation of searching algorithms – linear search, binary search.**
13. Representation of graphs and computing various parameters (in degree, out degree etc.) adjacency list, adjacency matrix.
14. Implementation of BFS and DFS for each graph representations.**
15. Implementation of hash table using your own mapping functions and observe collisions and overflow resolving schemes.**
16. Simulation of first-fit, best-fit and worst-fit allocations.
17. Simulation of a basic memory allocator and garbage collector using doubly linked list.
** mandatory