
Insignia is a 3D military strategy blockchain game application. A multi-player play-and-earn game, set in a medieval metaverse.

Primary LanguageRust

alt text



Insignia is a 3D military strategy blockchain game application. A multi-player play-and-earn game, set in a medieval metaverse. With an immersive experience and one that provides an unequaled earning potential to gamers across the board.

This project hopes to solve specific problems that have been identified in the blockchain gaming ecosystem. Details about the problem statement and our proposed solutions could be found in the whitepaper linked below.


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Currently availabe only on PC!


For a comprehensive run down about the gameplay, game economics, tokenomics, road map, e.t.c please visit the link below to read the Whitepaper.


Insignia is built on top of NEAR Protocol and game assets are stored on IPFS.

Create Asset Page


Tech Stack


  • Near Protocol
  • IPFS (Decentralized storage)
  • Rust
  • near-api-js

Web Application

  • React
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap


  • Unreal Engine

Gettin Started

To start the application locally

To run a local copy of this application, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the "Code" section of this repository and press the green button that says "Code". Copy the URL or the SSH.
  • Go to the terminal and enter:
git clone https://github.com/george-shammar/Insignia.git

The URL or SSH are the links copied from the step above.

  • If you don't have git installed, you can download this project and unzip it.
  • Change directory into the folder the application is saved.
cd directory

Directory is the name of your folder.

  • Once you have the local copy in your desired folder, go back to your terminal and run:
npm install

This command installs all the dependencies of the application.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

  • To start the application, run :
npm start

This command runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.


Upon launching the application, go to "Play Now".

Step 1: NEAR Wallet Set-up

  • Insignia lives on the NEAR protocol. NEAR Wallet is your ticket to our metaverse. For first time NEAR users, click "Get NEAR Wallet", otherwise, proceed to the next tab.

Step 2: Get Insignia Token.

  • Insignia Token is the native currency of our metaverse. Details about the tokenomics can be found in the Whitepaper. We are currently using NEAR as the means of exchange. Click "Fund Wallet" and visit any of the exchanges in the list to fund your wallet. To do anything with the NEAR Wallet, you will need at least 0.1 NEAR. However, on the testnet, NEAR wallet is pre-funded when you created an account.

Step 3a: Create Game Asset

  • Each game asset is a unique NFT stored on IPFS. Each wallet can only have one Insignia NFT. Click "Connect Wallet" to link your NEAR Wallet.
  • Click "Create Asset" to mint a unique NFT.

Step 3b: Marketplace

  • An alternative is to purchase a Game Asset in the Marketplace.

Step 4: Download and Play

Currently, a very limited edition of the Free-To-Play model of the game is available on PC. Android and IOS release is coming soon.

Game Overview

(Find details in the whitepaper)

The basics

World Of Chaos


World of Chaos is made up of three hundred (300) real-world ancient cities. Each city is a unique NFT. A typical city is made up of a Commander, an Army with a varied number of battalion (A battalion consists of 700 soldiers). When you mint a city, you get the following:

  • A medieval city and a 3 minutes video tour of your city with a short military show of force. It's architecture, people, and commerce.
  • An army with an unknown number of battalions before minting. The strength of your defense depends on the number of battalions in your army.
  • A commander.
  • A treasury.
  • A unique Insignia.

The bad news is that there are too much incentives for other cities and Mercenaries to attack your city - Your treasury!!! When you're defeated at war by another army, you loose the balance (Insignia Token) in your treasury. When you successfully defend or repel an attack, you earn the balance in the attacking armies' treasury.

You win or loose when your city's symbol of insignia is captured by the other army or otherwise. The World of Chaos is ultimately an open, virtual, and explorable meta-verse.


These are armies for hire - 45 in total. Each mercenary unit is a unique NFT with an unknown number of battalions before minting. Cities with insufficient armies can hire mercenaries to repel an attack or launch an attack. When you mint a mercenary unit you get the following.

  • An army with an unknown number of battalions.
  • A commander.
  • An insignia.

As an owner of a mercenary unit, you can attack a city to earn the balance of the city's treasury or rent out your army to another city for a fee paid upfront and not dependent on the outcome of the renter's war.

Fighting Pits

The fighting pit involves one-on-one combat in an arena of cheering crowds and real-world viewers. A fighting season takes a maximum of 7 days or less (depending on the number of participants). Each arena holds between 2, 4, and 8 fighters in each pool. One fighter emerges as the winner from each pool and faces the winner from another pool in the tournament until we have one final winner.

Peering is done randomly and the reward mechanism also utilizes a no-loss mechanism. To fight in the tournament, the following steps need to be taken:

  • Mint a fighter (unique NFT) to play. If you missed out during the initial minting, you may trade in the Marketplace. Insignia also provides the opportunity to rent a fighter from NFT owners who choose not to participate in a fighting season.
  • Deposit Insignia Tokens to enter the tournament. These tokens are withdrawable no matter the outcome of the tournament, win or lose. Hence, the no-loss mechanism.

Game Controls

  • Forward : Keyboard "W"
  • Backward: Keyboard Key "Z"
  • Right: Keyboard Key "D"
  • Left: Keyboard Key "A"
  • Squat : Keyboard Key "C"
  • Sommersault: Multiple Space Bar press
  • Strike: Left Mouse click.
  • Jump: Keyboard Key "Space Bar"


👤 George Gbenle

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

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