
A simple PHP package to show SweetAlerts with the Laravel Framework

Primary LanguagePHP

Easy Sweet Alert Messages for Laravel

A success alert


First, pull in the package through Composer.

"require": {
    "uxweb/sweet-alert": "~1.1"

If using Laravel 5, include the service provider within app/config/app.php.

'providers' => [

And, for convenience, add a facade alias to this same file at the bottom:

'aliases' => [
    'Alert' => 'UxWeb\SweetAlert\SweetAlert'

Note that this package works only by using the BEAUTIFUL REPLACEMENT FOR JAVASCRIPT'S "ALERT".

Finally, you need to get the Sweet Alert library, you can so by:

Download the .js and .css from the website

Or through bower:

bower install sweetalert


With the Facade

  • Alert::message('Message', 'title')
  • Alert::info('Message', 'title')
  • Alert::success('Message', 'title')
  • Alert::error('Message', 'title')

Within your controllers, before you perform a redirect...

public function store()
    Alert::message('Robots are working!');

    return Redirect::home();

With the Helper

  • alert('Message')
  • alert()->message('Message')
  • alert()->success('Message', 'title')
  • alert()->error('Message', 'title')

Alternatively, you may reference the alert() helper function, instead of the facade. Here's an example:

 * Destroy the user's session (logout).
 * @return Response
public function destroy()

    alert()->success('You have been logged out.', 'Good bye!');

    return home();

For a general information alert, just do: alert('Some message'); (same as alert->message('Some message');).

By default, all alerts will dismiss after a sensible default number of seconds.

But no fear, if you need to specify a different time you can:

    // -> Remember!, the number is set in milliseconds
    alert('Hello World!')->autoclose(3000);

Also, if you need the alert to be persistent on the page until the user dismiss it by pressing the alert confirmation button:

    // -> The text will appear in the button
    alert('Hello World!')->persistent("Close this");

Finally, to display the alert in the browser, you may use (or modify) the view that is included with this package. Simply include it to your layout view:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/sweetalert.css">

    <div class="container">
        <p>Welcome to my website...</p>

    <script src="js/sweetalert.min.js"></script>

    <!-- Include this after the sweet alert js file -->



If you need to customize the alert message partial, run:

    php artisan vendor:publish

The package view is located in the resources/views/vendor/sweet/ directory.

You can override/overwrite your sweet alert configuration to fit your needs.

Configuration Options

You have access to the following configuration options to build a custom view:


Please check the CONFIGURATION section in the website for all other options available.

Default View

@if (Session::has('sweet_alert.alert'))
        swal({!! Session::get('sweet_alert.alert') !!});

The sweet_alert.alert session key contains a JSON configuration object to pass it directly to Sweet Alert.

Note that {!! !!} are used to output the json configuration object unescaped, it will not work with {{ }} escaped output tags.

Custom View

@if (Session::has('sweet_alert.alert'))
            text: "{!! Session::get('sweet_alert.text') !!}",
            title: "{!! Session::get('sweet_alert.title') !!}",
            timer: {!! Session::get('sweet_alert.timer') !!},
            type: "{!! Session::get('sweet_alert.type') !!}",
            showConfirmButton: "{!! Session::get('sweet_alert.showConfirmButton') !!}",
            confirmButtonText: "{!! Session::get('sweet_alert.confirmButtonText') !!}",
            confirmButtonColor: "#AEDEF4"

            // more options

Note that you must use "" (double quotes) to wrap the values except for the timer option.


Alert::message('Welcome back!');

return Redirect::home();

A simple alert

Alert::message('Your profile is up to date', 'Wonderful!');

return Redirect::home();

A simple alert with title

Alert::message('Thanks for comment!')->persistent('Close');

return Redirect::home();

A simple alert with title and button

Alert::info('Email was sent!');

return Redirect::home();

A info alert

Alert::error('Something went wrong', 'Oops!');

return Redirect::home();

A error alert

Alert::success('Good job!');

return Redirect::home();

A success alert

Alert::success('Good job!')->persistent("Close");

return Redirect::home();

A persistent alert