
Enhanced search app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

You’re reading the documentation for vtex.search@1.x, some major architectural changes happened, if you want to read about version 0.x go to 0.x, and consider talking with the Search & Personalization team about a upgrade to the latest version.

VTEX Search

The VTEX Search is an app that handles the result of our Search and Engagement API, used to provide a more complete search experience.

📢 Disclaimer: Don't fork this project; use, contribute, or open issue with your feature request.

Table of Contents


The first step to start using this app is to install the vtex.admin-search and the vtex.search-resolver@1.x in the desired workspace, using:

vtex install vtex.admin-search vtex.search-resolver@1.x

Catalog Integration

UI Components

If you want to use our UI components you need import this app in your dependencies on the manifest.json.

  "dependencies": {
    "vtex.search": "1.x"


We provide a customized autocomplete with new features. It includes:

  • Top searches list
  • Search history list
  • Product suggestion
  • Search term suggestion

To use our autocomplete, first, you need to declare a block for it.

  "autocomplete-result-list.v2": {
    "blocks": ["product-summary"]

Finally, append this block in the search bar. To improve the client experience, we also recommend to add the openAutocompleteOnFocus prop.

  "search-bar": {
    "blocks": ["autocomplete-result-list.v2"],
    "props": {
      "openAutocompleteOnFocus": true

A full documentation of our custom autocomplete can be found here.

Search Result Complements

This app has three new components to improve the search result experience. They are:

Add any of these components into the search-result-layout.desktop or the search-result-layout.mobile block.

"search-result-layout.desktop": {
    "children": [
    "props": {
      "pagination": "show-more",
      "preventRouteChange": true,
      "mobileLayout": {
        "mode1": "small",
        "mode2": "normal"
  "flex-layout.row#didyoumean": {
    "children": ["did-you-mean"]
  "flex-layout.row#suggestion": {
    "children": ["search-suggestions"]
  "flex-layout.row#suggestion": {
    "children": ["search-banner#one"]
  "search-banner#one": {
    "props": {
      "area": "one",
      "blockClass": "myBanner",
      "horizontalAlignment": "center"

Admin Permission

If you are facing the following error message:

User indicated by VtexIdclientAutCookie is not authorized to access the indicated resource

your user doesn't have permission to change the search configurations. Ask an admin to give you the Search Settings - General Settings permission.


You can check if others are passing through similar issues here. Also, feel free to open issues or contribute with pull requests.


Check it out how to contribute with this project.