
:cake: Template for CakePHP-based projects

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This is a template for the new CakePHP projects.

Developed by Qobo, used in Qobrix.


There are two ways to install and start using this project template.


You can create a new project from this template using composer.

composer create-project qobo/project-template-cakephp example.com
cd example.com
./bin/build app:install DB_NAME="app",PROJECT_NAME="My Project",PROJECT_VERSION="v1.0.0"


Alternatively, if you want to be able to update your project to the latest version of the template, you can install the template with git.

mkdir example.com
cd example.com
git init
# Pull the latest version from https://github.com/QoboLtd/project-template-cakephp/releases
git pull git@github.com:QoboLtd/project-template-cakephp.git vX.Y.Z
composer update
./bin/build app:install DB_NAME="app",PROJECT_NAME="My Project",PROJECT_VERSION="v1.0.0"
# Add your own remote repository
git remote add origin git@github.com/USER/REPO
# Push
git push origin master

With the above approach, you have the full history of the template development. You can do your own development now, and upgrade to the latest template at any point in the future.


If you installed the project template using git, you can easily upgrade your application to the latest template with the following:

cd exmample.com
# Make sure you are on the master branch and have a clean and up-to-date workspace
git checkout master
git pull origin master
# Create a new branch
git checkout -b project-template-update
# Pull the latest version from https://github.com/QoboLtd/project-template-cakephp/releases
git pull git@github.com:QoboLtd/project-template-cakephp.git vX.Y.Z
composer update
./bin/build app:update
# Check for conflicts, resolve if any, commit, and then push
git push origin project-template-update
# Create a pull request, review, and merge



Now that you have the project template installed, check that it works before you start working on your changes. Fire up the PHP web server:


Or run it on the alternative port:

./bin/phpserv -H localhost -p 9000

In your browser navigate to http://localhost:8000. You should see the login page. If you do, all parts are in place.


Now you can develop your PHP project as per usual, but with the following advantages:

  • Support for PHP built-in web server
  • Per-environment configuration using .env file, which is ignored by git
  • Powerful build system (Robo) integrated
  • Composer integrated with vendor/ folder added to .gitignore .
  • PHPUnit integrated with tests/ folder and example unit tests.
  • Sensible defaults for best practices - favicon.ico, robots.txt, MySQL dump, Nginx configuration, GPL, etc.

For example, you can easily automate the build process of your application by modifying the included Robo files in build/ folder. Run the following command to examine available targets:


As you can see, there are already some placeholders for your application's build process. By default, it is suggested that you have these:

  • app:install - for installation process of your application,
  • app:update - for the update process of the already installed application, and
  • app:remove - for the application removal process and cleanup.

You can, of course, add your own, remove these, or change them any way you want. Have a look at Robo documentation for more information on how to use these targets and pass runtime configuration parameters.


Template uses VueJS as main JS library. We're slowly abandoning jQuery codebase, transferring everything into Vue components.

In order to run JS part of the code, especially if you want to check how module Search is working, you have to compile JS components first.

Project will be relying on LTS releases of NodeJS. You can follow this instruction to set Node and npm on your machine.

You have to install all required modules from package.json with this command:

npm install

We provide package-lock.json in project-template-cakephp to ensure that the codebase is properly tested against these versions.

Inside package.json you can find main script commands in order to run the following:

  • npm run build:dev - running HRM version of the JS
  • npm run build:prod - compile production ready code in webroot/dist/ directory.
  • npm run watch - using watch option of webpack to keep development version of the code in webroot/dist. It's useful to check how the code will look inside PHP application.
  • npm run lint - run ESLint checks
  • npm run test - run unit tests with jest.


PHPUnit and PHP CodeSniffer

The fastest and simplest way to run PHPUnit and PHP CodeSniffer is via a composer script:

./bin/composer test

Alternatively, you can run the test with code coverage reports:

./bin/composer test-coverage

Code coverage reports in HTML format will be placed in ./build/test-coverage/ folder.

Travis CI

Continious Integration is a tool that helps to run your tests whenever you do any changes on your code base (commit, merge, etc). There are many tools that you can use, but project-template-cakephp provides an example integration with Travis CI.

Have a look at .travis.yml file, which describes the environment matrix, project installation steps and ways to run the test suite. For your real project, based on project-template-cakephp, you'd probably want to remove the example tests from the file.


project-template-cakephp provides a few examples of how to write and organize unit tests. Have a look in the tests/ folder. Now you have NO EXCUSE for not testing your applications!

Known Issues

MySQL 5.7 / MariaDB 10

Running this project template with MySQL 5.7 or MariaDB 10 sometimes causes fatal errors with SQL queries. We are looking for better ways to catch and fix those, but if you encounter them in your environment, please adjust your MySQL / MariaDB configuration for SQL mode.

SQL mode can be adjusted by either setting it in the etc/my.cnf file like so:


Or, alternatively, via an SQL query, like so:

mysql > SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));

See this StackOverflow thread for more information.

Here are a few examples of the issues and how to fix them.

Error: SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime
value: '2017-11-30T13:30:48+02:00' for column 'timestamp' at row 1

If you encounter the above error (often seen on Fedora 27 or above), make sure your SQL mode includes "NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE".

Error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #1 of
SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column ...

If you encounter the above error (often seen on Ubuntu 16.05), make sure your SQL mode DOES NOT include "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY".