
App to auth and configure google apis

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Google services app

This app adds oauth2 to any services used in the application.

Install dependencies

npm install

Start development live-reload server

PORT=8080 npm run dev

Start production server:

PORT=8080 npm start

Default setup

By default the app is setup to save files to a users google drive account based on a key (user id). The web application is authenticated through an api enpoint of /api/auth. This will prompt the user to install the app with the set permissions and scopes.

Google drive service

In /src/config.json the scope of the app is set. Each service that gets configured has its own scopes array. For simply uploading files we just need the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file scope.

API call: Route: /api/upload/ Query params: - key type String "API key (user id)" Required - folder type String "Top level folder to save to" Optional Defaults to top level - autoCreate type BOOL "True creates the folder if it does not exist" Optional Defaults to true

Add a new service

- add the scopes to `/src/config.json`
- add the route into `/src/api/index.js`
- wrap any api calls to google apis in authorize and use the returned auth credentials 
Docker Support
cd express-es6-rest-api

# Build your docker
docker build -t es6/api-service .
#            ^      ^           ^
#          tag  tag name      Dockerfile location

# run your docker
docker run -p 8080:8080 es6/api-service
#                 ^            ^
#          bind the port    container tag
#          to your host
#          machine port