

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Smart Home Controlled from Telegram

Description of the project

This project created to manage a smart home application using the telegram platform.

The main idea behind this project is to use a telegram bot to manage a smart home application. We selected the telegram platform because it is an easy to access and use application that allows you to create and manage a bot. The application was developed in python, and it runs on a Raspberry Pi which allows you to easily connect a series of a sensors and devices that the user will interact with using the telegram bot.

In this project the following devices used:

  • RPI Camera
  • PIR motion sensor
  • DHT 22
  • 4 relays

The code allows the user to send specific commands that will trigger specific actions in the RPI.

The commands are the following:

  • /live - Check if bot is active
  • /showphotos - Show the saved photos
  • /showvideos - Show the saved videos
  • /coffeeon - Turn on the coffee maker
  • /coffeeoff - Turn of the coffee maker
  • /lightson - Turn the lights on
  • /lightsoff - Turn the lights off
  • /heatingon - Turn the heating on
  • /heatingoff - Turn the heating off
  • /shadesdown - Down the shades
  • /shadesup - Retreat the shades
  • /piron - Turn on the PIR sensor
  • /piroff - Turn off the PIR sensor
  • /temperature - Check the temperature
  • /humidity - Check the humidity
  • /photo - Take and send a photo
  • /video - Take and send a 10sec video
  • /check - Checking the status of the devices
  • /help - Show help


To execute the code properly please install the following:

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt upgrade -y
  • sudo apt install python-is-python3
  • sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  • sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-dht
  • sudo apt-get install libgpiod2
  • sudo pip3 install gpiozero
  • sudo pip install telepot Also, enable the camera from:
  • sudo raspi-config Create two directories under the home of the pi user:
  • mkdir /home/pi/RPIPhotos
  • mkdir /home/pi/RPIVideos

To enable the code executed each time the rpi reboots add the following entry in the crontab of the pi user:

# Crontab entry for smart home:
@reboot python /home/pi/rpiSmartHome/telegrambot.py

Pin Assignments:

The following pins used for each device:

  • Pin for Relay1: 17
  • Pin for Relay2: 23
  • Pin for Relay3: 24
  • Pin for Relay4: 21
  • Pin for PIR Sensor: 19
  • Pin for DHT 22: 4