
Telegram Bots for Pharo.

Primary LanguageSmalltalk

bottlegram for pharo logo


Bottlegram is a tool for creating telegram Bots with Pharo. This library provides an interface for the Telegram Bot API.


Metacello new
  baseline: #Bottlegram;
  repository: 'github://pablo1n7/bottlegram';

Basic usage

To create our telegram bot in Pharo, the first thing we need to do is to create a new object that inherits from Bottlegram. This object must define at least this three methods:

  • slashStart: to be executed when the bot receives /start.

  • slashHelp: to be executed when the bot receives /help.

  • defaultText: to be executed when the bot receives an unknown command.

For example:

Bottlegram subclass: #EchoBottle
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Bottlegram-Example'!

defaultText: aMessage
	aMessage answer: aMessage text.! !

slashHelp: aMessage
	aMessage send:'Hello, I'm a Telegram bot written in Pharo. Tell me something and I'll repeat after you'! !
slashStart: aMessage
	aMessage send:'Hello, I'm a Telegram bot written in Pharo. Send /help for more information'! !

Defining new behavior

We can define new behavior for our bot by implementing new methods for it. Then we need to associate them to a tag like: #slashMyNewBehaviour and the corresponding command for the bot, like /myNewBehavior. Where slashMyNewBehaviour must match with the name of our new method.

To do this, we will call registerCommand. For example:

 registerCommand: #slashWeather: to: '/weather'.

So when the bot receives the message /weather, it will call its slashWeather method.

Example using polling

Then, to start the Echo bot that we have created:

echoBotte:=EchoBottle new:'paste here the API TOKEN obtained from the BotFather'.
echoBotte startBotPulling:1. "Polling updates every second."
echoBotte stopBot. "To stop the bot and the polling process"

Example using Webhook

echoBotte:=EchoBottle new:'paste here the API TOKEN obtained from the BotFather'.
echoBotte registerWebhook: 'URL' port: 8080.
echoBotte startBot.
echoBotte stopBot. "To stop the bot and the server Webhook"

Example Online: EchoPharo


  • Add more documentation.
  • Add support for inline bots.
  • Add support for images, sounds, etc.