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Name | Summary |
List all used resources in all regions | Github: List all resources |
Install aws cli | pip install awscli , aws help |
Load aws cli profile | aws configure |
List regions | aws ec2 describe-regions |
List instances | aws ec2 describe-instances |
AWS CLI config files | ~/.aws/credentials , ~/.aws/config |
Reference | Github: awslabs/aws-shell |
Name | Summary |
List images by amazon | aws ec2 describe-images , aws ec2 describe-images --owners self amazon |
Run a new instance | aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-c3b8d6aa --count 1 --key-name mykey |
Name | Summary |
List hosted zones | aws route53 list-hosted-zones |
List hosted zone by name | aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name |
List DNS records by hosted zone | aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "/hostedzone/XXX" |
1.5 AWS Products - Fundamental
1.6 AWS Products - Big Data
1.7 AWS Products - Orchestration
1.8 AWS Products - Enterprise
Name | Summary |
AWS WorkSpaces | Desktops in the Cloud |
AWS WorkDocs | Secure Enterprise Storage and Sharing Service. e.g, Office 365, google doc |
AWS WorkMail | Secure Email and Calendaring Service. e.g, gmail and google calendar |
1.9 AWS Products - Mobile
Name | Summary |
IGW(Internet gateway) | An Internet gateway enables your instances to connect to the Internet |
VPG(Virtual Private Gateway) | The Amazon VPC side of a VPN Connection |
NAT Gateway | Enable instances in a private subnet to connect to the internet or other AWS services |
Customer Gateway | Your side of a VPN Connection |
NAT | NAT maps multiple private IP addresses to a single public IP address. |
NAT Instance | EC2 instances provide Port Address Translation for non-EIP instances to access Internet via IGW |
Router | Routers interconnect subnets and direct traffic between IGW, VPG, NAT instances and Subnets |
Subnet | A segment of a VPC’s IP address range where you can place groups of isolated resources |
VPC Peering | A networking connection between two VPCs enable traffic by private IP |
ClassicLink | Allow you to link an EC2-Classic instance to a VPC in your account, within the same region |
License: Code is licensed under MIT License.
2 TODO RDS download snapshot to local