
Submission to FSCD 2023, 'Rewriting modulo traced comonoid structure'

Primary LanguageTeX


Submission to FSCD 2023, 'Rewriting modulo traced comonoid structure'.

Entry points

  • main-conf.tex The conference version of the paper: double column lipics
  • main-arxiv.tex The arxiv version of the paper: single column article


First initialise the submodules:

git submodule update --init

Then compile with make:

# Generates both pdfs
# Generates just the conference pdf
make conf
# Generates just the arxiv pdf
make arxiv

Or just latexmk:

latexmk -pdf main-conf.tex
latexmk -pdf main-arxiv.tex


This project uses submodules to share diagrams and things between repos. This means that the repo contains pointers to commits in other repos.


When you first clone the repo, run:

git submodule update --init

If you get a Permission denied (publickey) error, it's most likely because you don't have SSH set up on GitHub. Adding an SSH key should fix the issue.


After updating, the submodules are in 'detached head' state, pointing at a certain commit. If you're not making any changes, you don't have to do anything! However, you may want to pull the latest changes from the submodule's remote. To do this, switch to the main branch first.

cd example
git switch main
git pull


If you want to make some changes to the submodule, make sure to switch to main (or another branch of your choice) first. Then make the changes as usual, commit them in the submodule, push, and then add the directory in the parent repo to point it to the correct commit.

# checkout the submodule to the head
cd example
git switch main
echo "hello!" > hello.txt
# Push the changes to the submodule repo
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Add hello.txt"
git push
# Now make the changes in the parent repo
cd ..
git add example
git commit -m "Update submodule"
git push


By default, when doing a git pull after someone has changed the commit a submodule points to on the remote, this is not updated in the local version. To fix this, run the following after doing a git pull:

git submodule update

Alternatively, you can set this to occur automatically after a git pull with the following option:

git config --global submodule.recurse true

GitHub actions

Whenever you push to main, a pdf of the arxiv and the conference version will be created, as well as zips containing all the assets used in each paper.