
A simple component in Blazor that displays the current weather, featuring a default and a user defined template

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT



Build Status Nuget (with prereleases)

A simple component in Blazor that displays the current weather, featuring a default and a user defined template

Default Template

Nothing much to do, just add a reference to the Blazor.WeatherWidget and then add the following code in your razor page:

@using Blazor.WeatherWidget
<!-- ...  -->
<WeatherWidget CurrentCity="Munich, DE" />
<!-- ...  -->

By default the metric system will be used for all values. If you prefer the imperial system then use

@using Blazor.WeatherWidget
<!-- ...  -->
<WeatherWidget CurrentCity="Munich, DE" Unit="imperial" />
<!-- ...  -->

Note: The default template has a dependenxy on bootstrap, so if you want to use it, please add bootstap in your _Host.cshtml:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.1.3/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" />

The end result will be similar to this one:


User Defined Template

(Thanks @stavroskasidis)

You can create your own template and pass it on for parsing. Follows a sample that uses the basic properties:

Sample Template

<WeatherWidget CurrentCity="Munich, DE" Template="Models.WeatherWidgetTemplate.Custom">
        <div class="card text-center">
            <div class="card-header">
                Weather for @context.CityName, @context.Sys.Country
            <div class="card-body">
                <img src="@context.Weather[0].DefaultIcon" />
                <h5 class="card-title">@Math.Round(context.Main.Temperature, 1)&nbsp;°C</h5>
                <p class="card-text">@context.DateTimeLocal</p>
            <div class="card-footer text-muted">
                @context.Weather[0].Description with @context.Wind.Description coming from @context.Wind.NamedDirection

As with the default template, if you want imperical units, add this to the WeatherWidget tag: Unit="imperial"

Available Properties

A user can create a custom template to consume all available properties:

  • Coord
    • Coord.Longitute City geo location, longitude
    • Coord.Latitude City geo location, latitude
  • Weather List of available updates. Position [0] holds the last update
    • Weather[0].Id Weather condition id
    • Weather[0].Main Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)
    • Weather[0].Description Weather condition within the group.
    • Weather[0].Icon Weather icon id, for custom icons
    • Weather[0].DefaultIcon Weather icon URL
  • Base Ignore, Internal Parameter
  • Main
    • Main.Temperature Temperature. Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, Imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • Main.FeelsLike Temperature. This temperature parameter accounts for the human perception of weather. Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, Imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • Main.Pressure Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data), hPa
    • Main.Humidity Humidity, %
    • Main.TempMin Minimum temperature at the moment. This is minimal currently observed temperature (within large megalopolises and urban areas). Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, Imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • Main.TempMax Maximum temperature at the moment. This is maximal currently observed temperature (within large megalopolises and urban areas). Unit Default: Kelvin, Metric: Celsius, Imperial: Fahrenheit.
    • Main.SeaLevelPressure Atmospheric pressure on the sea level, hPa
    • Main.GroundLevelPressure Atmospheric pressure on the ground level, hPa
  • Wind
    • Wind.Speed Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec, Metric: meter/sec, Imperial: miles/hour.
    • Wind.Degrees Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
    • Wind.Gusts Wind gust. Unit Default: meter/sec, Metric: meter/sec, Imperial: miles/hour
    • Wind.Description Description of the Wind speed
    • Wind.NamedDirection Description of the Wind direction, e.g. East-North-East
    • Wind.ShortNamedDirection Description of the Wind direction e.g. ENE
  • Clouds
    • Clouds.Coverage Cloudiness, %
  • Rain
    • Rain.Volume1h Rain volume for the last 1 hour, mm
    • Rain.Volume3h Rain volume for the last 3 hours, mm
  • Snow
    • Snow.Volume1h Snow volume for the last 1 hour, mm
    • Snow.Volume3h Snow volume for the last 3 hours, mm
  • SecondsSinceUnitTime Time of data calculation, unix, UTC
  • DateTimeUTC DateTime of data calculation, UTC
  • DateTimeLocal DateTime of data calculation, Local
  • Timezone Shift in seconds from UTC
  • Sys
    • Sys.Type Internal parameter
    • Sys.Id Internal parameter
    • Sys.Message Internal parameter
    • Sys.Country Country code (GB, JP etc.)
    • Sys.Sunrise Sunrise time, unix, UTC
    • Sys.Sunset Sunset time, unix, UTC
  • id City ID
  • CityName City name
  • Cod Ignore, Internal parameter