Kubernetes in AWS with k3s deployed via terraform. Save costs (compared to EKS) without compromising scalability or features.
- aws account
- awscli v2
- ssm plugin
- terraform v1+
cd terraform/
# customize settings.auto.tfvars
# init and apply
terraform init
terraform apply
- offline or online
- cluster functions without direct internet access
- enable egress w/
var.nat_gateways = true
- lambda+ssm bootstrap k3s' airgap installation
- enable egress w/
- container image mirror via ecr with:
- pull-through-cache for images @
- any other public image using codebuild (
)- supports multi-arch
- see
terraform/settings.auto.tfvars => container_images[]
- cluster functions without direct internet access
- multiple scaling configurations
- create any number of node groups
- define the following components per node group, including the control-plane
- node count (min/max)
- instance type
- arch/accelerated (arm64, x86_64, gpu)
- local storage
- availability zones
- IRSA (IAM roles for Service Accounts) support
- OIDC endpoint enrollment via s3 bucket static page
- lambda manages aws identity provider
- example:
after apply
- interact with cluster API via SSM PortForwardSession
- post-apply:
, see example image - works with kubectl, helm, k9s, lens, etc.
- post-apply:
- strongly enforced encryption + access management
- at-rest:
- 8 independent kms keys (codebuild, cloudwatch, ec2, ecr, lambda, s3, sns, ssm)
- tailored kms key, bucket, iam, and trust policies
- in-transit:
- IPSec via Cilium
- Cilium network policies
- at-rest:
- included charts:
- aws-cloud-controller
- aws-efs-csi-controller
- cilium cni w/ ipsec and base network policies
- nvidia-device-plugin for GPU-accelerated instances
- external-dns (req.
var.nat_gateways = true
- bug: official helm chart does not support passing mounts + envvars
- mounts + envvars are required for non-eks IRSA, e.g: see
- fix: granted control-plane nodes' iam instance profile the permissions required for efs
- mounts + envvars are required for non-eks IRSA, e.g: see
- bug: official helm chart does not support passing mounts + envvars
- bug: nodes (ec2 instances) are not attached to associated nlb target group(s)
- likely related to cni being non-native (cilium instead of eni)
- fix: used aws ccm's native lb controller
- bug: nodes (ec2 instances) are not attached to associated nlb target group(s)
- bug: use of route53 requires internet egress
- route53 has no regional endpoints (therefore no vpc endpoint support)
- fix: added option to enable a nat gateway
- bug:
' helm chart does not support serviceaccountautomountServiceAccountToken
- the token must be mounted for non-eks IRSA, e.g: see
- fix: used
's external-dns w/.Values.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken: true
- this introduces another bug
- the token must be mounted for non-eks IRSA, e.g: see
- bug:
container image only supports x86_64- node architecture may be arm64
- fix: used
which supports multi-arch
- bug: use of route53 requires internet egress