An irrationally minimalist, static feed reader (RSS, Atom, JSON) you can instantly deploy on Netlify, Glitch or your own server.
- 0xkarambitIndia
- 5nb
- AboutRSS
- algustionesaOverseas
- and1truong
- bakkerjoeriThe Netherlands
- Coool🇪🇺
- demersdesignsDemersDesigns
- donmiguello
- ekickxUTC +7
- h-enk@ventizo
- if1yFlyTek Studio
- Jeffery186
- jimkangBoston
- jnv@MewsSystems
- KasperZutterman@OTA-Insight
- kebbob-omb battlefield
- kevinfiol@adhocteam
- khalby786@TinkerHub @CodeDay
- MarkH817Omaha, NE
- max-montyNoble & Greenough School
- miloskroulikOlomouc, Czech Republic
- neovoe
- nsjcasuma
- panghaibinSHU
- peacewalker
- pietroppeterAgileLab
- punchagan@tarides
- ruis77Southern University of Science and Technology
- StilicFrance
- wrong-abstraction
- xiamuguizhiVirtual animation company
- xin660RZV
- ydx1013
- youngchief-btwYoungChief
- z9956