
Chat back-end with PHP + Slim + SQLite + Docker

Primary LanguagePHP

Chat API

Welcome a simple Chat API, built by @georgerappel!

I've included some docs for reference and simplicty (and maybe for myself in the future).


  • Most of the relevant app logic sits in app/UserController and app/ChatController.
  • The app/routes.php file simply calls the controllers
  • Very few abstractions/models were used to keep a simple architecture using mostly Slim 4, without ORMs or DB helpers aside from native PHP SQLite3 library.
  • Simple back-end for a chat application
  • It uses PHP 8.1 + Slim 4 + SQLite
  • Docker support was used to reduce overhead when building it locally (Thanks to this post for providing a quick boilerplate)

Setup (Docker)

To run the project using docker:

  • Build and run: docker-compose up -d --build
  • Go to http://localhost:8080/
  • To see real-time logs: docker-compose logs -f

Ideal Workflow

  1. Create username, using POST /users
  2. Optionally, search for a username
  3. Open a chat with another user, using GET /chat/{other_user}

Testing without the Authorization header

Comment out lines 11-18 on the AuthMiddleware.php, and uncomment line 20 with your user ID from the POST /users route.

API Reference


  • For authorization, a simple logic expects the username in the Authorization header of a request, instead of bearer tokens

Users Routes

Users are 'public', and no authorization is required to create, search or list users.

  • POST /users - Create user, expects a JSON body with {"username": "myname"}
    • IF the username is available, returns HTTP 200 OK with {"id": 1234}
    • IF the username is not available, returns HTTP 409 CONFLICT with {"error": "Username taken"}
  • GET /users?query={name} - Read all users, optionally provide a query for searching usernames, returns HTTP 200 OK with {"users": [{"username": "myname", "id": 123, "created_at": "2022-12-22 12:00:00"}, ...]}
  • GET /users/{username} - Read user, returns {"username": "myname", "id": 123, "created_at": "2022-12-22 12:00:00"}

Chat Routes

Authorization is required for all routes.

  • GET /chat/{other_user} - Reads messages from a chat, returns last 20 messages.
    • IF the chat was never used, returns an empty array
    • ELSE returns up to 20 messages: {"messages": [{"id": 1, "content": "Hi, this is my message", "sender": 1, "recipient": 2, "created_at": "2022-12-22 12:00:00"}, {"id": 2, "content": "Hi myname, heres my message as well", "sender": 2, "recipient": 1, "created_at": "2022-12-22 13:00:00"}], "first_message": 1, "last_message": 2}
    • To load previous/older messages, use the ?before={first_meswsage} query param with the first message received on a previous request to load older messages
    • To Poll for new messages, use the ?after={last_message} query param with the last_message from the first request made, this will load newer messages.
  • POST /chat/{other_user} - Send a message to "other_user", expects a JSON body with {"content": "Plain text message"}
    • Returns the message just created: {"id":8,"sender":1,"recipient":4,"created_at":"2022-12-22 21:19:25","content":"My first message"}

Improvements & Shortcomings

  • Add a route GET /users/{id}/online to check wether the user is currently online, based on their last poll for messages, storing this in a simple 30sec cache or in a column on the user table.
  • Add indexes to the sender/recipient columns on the message table to speed up queries
  • Add an error handler for exceptions, currently raising exceptions such as HttpNotFoundException returns HTTP 200 OK with the trace on the body, instead of the 404 NOT FOUND.