The interpreter consists of the following phases:
- Parse a regular expression
- Create an NFA for it by walking the produced parse tree
- Convert the NFA to an equivalent DFA
- Compute the DFA's result by feeding it the input string
The following algorithms have been implemented:
- NFA creation: Thompson's construction algorithm
- NFA to DFA conversion: Powerset construction
The interpreter expects regular expressions to conform to the following syntax:
, a single character."_"
, the empty symbol."."
, any character.(r)
is a regular expression.r1 | r2
are regular expressions (Union).r1r2
are regular expressions (Concatenation).r*
is a regular expression (Kleene star).
The following functions can be used after loading RegInterpreter.hs:
receives a regular expression ([Char]
) & returns an NFA (Fsa
receives an NFA (Fsa
) & returns a DFA (Fsa
receives a tuple(regex, string)
& returnsTrue
is accepted byregex
receives a tuple(regex, string)
& returns all prefixes instring
accepted byregex
➜ Regex-Interpreter git:(main) ghci testSuite.hs
GHCi, version 9.2.4: :? for help
[1 of 3] Compiling RegParser ( RegParser.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 3] Compiling RegInterpreter ( RegInterpreter.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 3] Compiling Main ( testSuite.hs, interpreted )
Ok, three modules loaded.
ghci> testAll