
Applescript that autofills Safari based on the front most tabs URL using MacPass

Primary LanguageAppleScript


Applescript that autofills from MacPass into Safari based on the front most tabs URL

Global Keyboard shortcut via FastScripts

Mouse Click Method

This app provides the ability to grab credentials from your macpass (keepass database) based on URL of the front most tab in Safari. (beware it operates like Autotype so make sure you have the proper text field selected) It differs from AutoType in that it uses the URL (including subdomain ie. domains.google.com not just google.com) instead of the window title.

You can attempt to fill both fields or just Username which will paste the username and allow you to paste the password (hardcoded at 10secs to clipboard then clears) for pages that are split.

The app then quits and is re-launchable...

i recommend using https://red-sweater.com/fastscripts/

an amazing app point the app to the folder where you have the script and assign a global keyboard shortcut and off you go (review the importants notes below)

that's it...

feedback is welcome can't gurantee i can fix the problem, but it has been working great for me. Coming from another password manager that had an extension to Autofill in Safari was a hard thing to lose.

Important notes:

MacPass needs to be open and unlocked Whatever tab is most front in Safari is the URL it will grab. Must select the proper text field before firing this thing off

the script clears the search box and password and username fields before pasting them. also if you don't unlock your macpass the URL is kept in the clipboard until you choose Both, Username, or Cancel so you can unlock your database and paste into the macpass=>select entry=>then click desire mode of Both or Username

if you use the release version beware: You have to setup the Privacy settings in System Preferences. As you have to allow the app to control other apps etc...and to clear them you need some understanding tccutil. it required me to modify the info.plist to get it work, which there is little to no documentation on. so it took alot testing to figureout the right combo. thats a note if you trying to make an app that controls other apps. you can look at the info.plist of the release version.

I recommend after launching you set it so the icon stays in your dock and place next to Safari, but to each their own.

I express no warranty i gave credit where due if i used code from somewhere. this is as is and for users to test and mess around with.