
A plugin that integrates SiftScience fraud detection into your WooCommerce store

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Sift.com Fraud Detection for WooCommerce

A plugin that integrates Sift fraud detection into your WooCommerce store


This plugin can be installed directly from the WordPres store. Setup requires Sift.com to be added to the settings.

Installation from Repo

For development/test purposes, you can check this repository out directly to your WordPress plugins folder.

VueJS Development

This plugin uses VueJS for the batch-upload component in the settings section and in the "sift" column that is added to the orders page. The code can be found in the /dist directory.

There is no build/transpiling necessary as the VueJS components are written in plain JS.

Docker Development

You can use a pre-configured Docker image with WordPress and WooCommerce setup for local testing. Simply run docker-compose up from your command line to start this environment. You can then navigate to http://localhost to try things out. The username and password are both set to wordpress.



docker run -v "$PWD/.:/wcs" -i nabsul/wordpress-phpcs:latest phpcs /wcs --extensions=php