
More charts using RescueTime's API - http://ilbonte.github.io/rescuetime-again/

Primary LanguageJavaScript


RescueTime is a fantastic tool for time management and I use it mainly to understand my daily habits so I can be more productive. Unfortunately the free version doesn't have such in-depth analysis as I like so built my own charts using their API to access the data


  1. Go to the project page
  2. Choose data source: directly from RT or upload you file (see below)
  3. ????
  4. PROFIT!


RescueTime's free plan allows you to see only the last tree month of data, so if you don't own a premium account be sure to select a period of time within 3 month from now. Since I have the free plan, but I wanted to save my data so I could analyze it later or compare it with the most recent I've included two utilities for this purpose. On the main page you can choose to download the data for the selected range and on this page you can merge as many as you want file together so that you can analyze more than just the last tree months


  • merge page
  • Allow multiple select in the merge page
  • Comparison page
  • Smart merge page: before merging check if the files are uploaded in chronological order
  • Improve annotations
  • Whatever you want


Example output with 11 months of data alt tag