
My personal website built with pelican and bootstrap 4

Primary LanguageCSS

This is the source code of my personal website


The shell script commit_change.sh automates the blog publishing. After writing a new post or editing an existing post, run command source commit_change.sh "git commit msg" to make git commit and push it to github. The website is hosted on Github Pages, and it will be automatically updated.

If you use venv to manage your virtual environment, run those commands to setup the environment on a new computer.

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# write or edit articles
invoke livereload  # preview website in a browser
source commit_change.sh "git msg" # to publish

If you use pipenv, here are the commands.

pip install pipenv  # install it globally
pipenv install  # install from Pipfile, 
    # or use --ignore-pipfile to install from Pipfile.lock
pipenve shell   # launch virtual env
# write or edit articles
invoke livereload  # preview website in a browser
source pipenv_commit_change.sh "msg" # publish

Last update: 3/5/2021