EEG acquisition using g.tec's API using MATALAB's App Designer. I know, not the best choice structure-wize (single file and all), but makes gui design painless.
- MATLAB R2017b (later versions might also work)
- g.tec's g.NEEDaccess and its MATLAB API
- Windows 10 (due to API restrictions)
- suported from the API eeg acquisition hardware
- run
from MATLAB after connecting the hardware - adjust parameters (remember to set a proper montage template, see
) - set an appropriate Name and Folder for filename and folder (rest of the info are saveds as metadata)
- press Start EEG to initialize the connection and view the data stream
- when ready, press Record Data
- once the "Record Data" is pressed again, the recorded strem will be saved with a filename and inside a folder corresponding the date and time of the acquisition