
Command line script to flash SD card images of any kind

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Command line script to flash SD card images of any kind.

Note that for some devices (e.g. Raspberry Pi), at the end of the flashing process the tool tries to customize the SD card e.g. it configures a hostname. If this customization is not supported, just ignore the error thrown at this point.

The typical workflow looks like this:


  1. Run flash http://downloads.hypriot.com/hypriot-rpi-20151115-132854.img.zip
  2. Insert SD card to your notebook
  3. Press RETURN
  4. Eject SD card and insert it to your Raspberry Pi - done!

This script can

  • download a compressed SD card from the internet or from S3
  • use a local SD card image, either compressed or uncompressed
  • wait until a SD card is plugged in
  • search for a SD card plugged into your Computer
  • show progress bar while flashing (if pv is installed)
  • copy an optional device-init.yaml or occidentalis.txt file into the boot partition of the SD
  • copy an optional config.txt file into the boot partition of the SD image
  • optional set the hostname of this SD image
  • optional set the WiFi settings as well
  • play a little sound after flashing
  • unplugs the SD card

At the moment only Mac OS X and Linux is supported.


Download the appropriate version for Linux or Mac with this command

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypriot/flash/master/$(uname -s)/flash
chmod +x flash
sudo mv flash /usr/local/bin/flash

Install Dependencies

The flash script needs optional tools

  • curl - if you want to flash directly with an HTTP URL
  • aws - if you want to flash directly from an AWS S3 bucket
  • pv - to see a progress bar while flashing with the dd command
  • unzip - to extract zip files.
  • hdparm - to run the program


brew install pv
brew install awscli

Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install -y pv curl python-pip unzip hdparm
sudo pip install awscli


$ flash --help
usage: flash [options] name-of-rpi.img

Flash a local or remote Raspberry Pi SD card image.

   --help|-h      Show this message
   --bootconf|-C  Copy this config file to /boot/config.txt
   --config|-c    Copy this config file to /boot/device-init.yaml (or occidentalis.txt)
   --hostname|-n  Set hostname for this SD image
   --ssid|-s      Set WiFi SSID for this SD image
   --password|-p  Set WiFI password for this SD image
   --clusterlab|-l Start Cluster-Lab on boot: true or false
   --device|-d    Card Device

How it looks like

This is a complete download and flash cycle with all its steps.

$ flash http://downloads.hypriot.com/hypriot-rpi-20151004-132414.img.zip
Downloading http://downloads.hypriot.com/hypriot-rpi-20151004-132414.img.zip ...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  346M  100  346M    0     0  5643k      0  0:01:02  0:01:02 --:--:-- 5366k
Uncompressing /tmp/image.img.zip ...
Archive:  /tmp/image.img.zip
  inflating: /tmp/hypriot-rpi-20151004-132414.img
Use /tmp/hypriot-rpi-20151004-132414.img
No SD card found. Please insert SD card, I'll wait for it...
Filesystem    512-blocks      Used Available Capacity   iused    ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1     974700800 863201064 110987736    89% 107964131 13873467   89%   /
devfs                669       669         0   100%      1159        0  100%   /dev
map -hosts             0         0         0   100%         0        0  100%   /net
map auto_home          0         0         0   100%         0        0  100%   /home
/dev/disk2s1      114576     29456     85120    26%       512        0  100%   /Volumes/boot

Is /dev/disk2s1 correct? y
Unmounting disk2 ...
Unmount of all volumes on disk2 was successful
Unmount of all volumes on disk2 was successful
Flashing /tmp/hypriot-rpi-20151004-132414.img to disk2 ...
 976MiB 0:01:12 [13.4MiB/s] [=============================================>] 100%
0+15625 records in
0+15625 records out
1024000000 bytes transferred in 72.779589 secs (14069879 bytes/sec)
Unmounting and ejecting disk2 ...
Unmount of all volumes on disk2 was successful
Unmount of all volumes on disk2 was successful
Disk /dev/disk2 ejected
🍺  Finished.


The option --config could be used to copy a device-init.yaml into the SD image before it is unplugged. This YAML file can be read by newer HyperiotOS SD images.

The config file device-init.yaml should look like

hostname: black-pearl
      ssid: "MyNetwork"
      password: "secret_password"

If you don't want to set any wifi settings, comment out or remove the wlan0, ssid and password.


WARNING The following option will change in the near future as we are switching from our RPi-only SD card image to new debian based SD images for different devices. To support all other devices there will be a different file to do similar tasks and we have more functions in mind.

The option --config could be used to copy a occidentalis.txt into the SD image before it is unplugged.

Many kudos to Adafruit's occi package that handles updating hostname and WiFi settings while booting the Raspberry Pi.

The config file occidentalis.txt should look like

# hostname for your Hypriot Raspberry Pi:

# basic wireless networking options:


The option --bootconf can be used to copy a config.txt into the SD image before it is unplugged.

With this option it is possible to change some memory, camera, video settings etc. See the config.txt documentation at raspberrypi.org for more details.

The boot config file config.txt has name/value pairs such as:


Use cases

Flash a compressed SD image from the internet

flash http://downloads.hypriot.com/hypriot-rpi-20151004-132414.img.zip

Flash a compressed SD image from S3 bucket

flash s3://bucket/path/to/hypriot-rpi-20150611-195657.img.zip

Flash with a given hostname

This works only for SD card images that already have occi installed.

flash --hostname mypi hypriot.img

Then unplug the SD card from your computer, plug it into your Pi and boot your Pi. After a while the Pi can be found via Bonjour/avahi and you can log in with

ssh pi@mypi.local


Pull requests and other feedback is always welcome. The flash tool should fit our all needs and environments.

Test Linux from Mac

As I only have a MacBookPro where I started to develop the flash tool it is hard for me to test Linux issues. But with some help I found a way to spin up a VirtualBox Vagrant box with Ubuntu that maps the internal Apple SD card reader into the VM. Thanks to Flexshot for the helper functions I found in NextThingCo/CHIP-SDK#15.

Check the vendor ID and product ID in "About this Mac" -> System Report ... -> Card Reader. I found the vendor ID 0x05ac and product ID 0x8406 can be found in the Vagrantfile.

vagrant up --provider virtualbox