
:whale: Simple mail server docker image with TLS and OpenDKIM/DMARC support and includes IMAP, antivirus, spam filtering, greylisting, sieve rules, supporting multiple virtual domains over MySQL backend (Postfixadmin scheme)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ 24/09/2016 : Postfixadmin and Rainloop reverse proxy ports have changed, it's now 8888. Please, update your nginx vhost files before pulling the latest images from dockerhub. For more information : https://github.com/hardware/mailserver/wiki/Reverse-proxy-configuration




  • Postfix 2.11.3
  • Dovecot 2.2.13
  • OpenDKIM 2.9.2
  • OpenDMARC 1.3.0
  • Spamassassin 3.4.0
  • Postgrey 1.35
  • ClamAV 0.98.7
  • Amavisd-new 2.10.1
  • Amavisd-milter 1.5.0
  • Supervisor 3.0r1
  • Rsyslog 8.4.2
  • ManageSieve server

How to use

1 - Get latest image

# Pull from hub.docker.com :
docker pull hardware/mailserver

# or build it manually :
docker build -t hardware/mailserver https://github.com/hardware/mailserver.git#master

2 - Get latest docker-compose.yml

See docker-compose.sample.yml

Note : Change your hostname / domain name, and adapt to your needs

3 - Reverse proxy setup

See Reverse proxy configuration

Start the mailstack :

docker-compose up -d

4 - Control panel setup / virtual domains and mailboxes creation

See Postfixadmin initial configuration

5 - Webmail setup (optional)

See Rainloop initial configuration

6 - DNS records

HOSTNAME            CLASS             RECORD TYPE          VALUE
mail                IN                A                    SERVER_IPV4
@                   IN                MX          10       mail.domain.tld.
@                   IN                TXT                  "v=spf1 a mx ip4:SERVER_IPV4 ~all"
mail._domainkey     IN                TXT                  "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=DKIM Public Key"
_dmarc              IN                TXT                  "v=DMARC1; p=reject; rua=mailto:postmaster@domain.tld; ruf=mailto:admin@domain.tld; fo=0; adkim=s; aspf=s; pct=100; rf=afrf; sp=reject"

The DKIM public key is available on host here :


Test your configuration with this website : https://www.mail-tester.com/

7 - Done, congratulation ! 🎉

At first launch, the container takes few minutes to generate SSL certificates (if needed), Diffie-Hellman parameters, DKIM keypair and update clamav database, all of this takes some time, be patient...

You can check startup logs with this command :

docker logs -f mailserver

Once it's over (5/10 minutes approximately), you can check with telnet and openssl s_client commands :

# SMTP - 25 port (MTA <-> MTA)
telnet mail.domain.tld 25

# IMAP STARTTLS - 143 port (IMAP)
openssl s_client -connect mail.domain.tld:143 -starttls imap -tlsextdebug

# SMTP SSL/TLS - 465 port (SMTPS)
openssl s_client -connect mail.domain.tld:465 -tlsextdebug

# SMTP STARTTLS - 587 port (Submission)
openssl s_client -connect mail.domain.tld:587 -starttls smtp -tlsextdebug

# IMAP SSL/TLS - 993 port (IMAPS)
openssl s_client -connect mail.domain.tld:993 -tlsextdebug

Environment variables

Variable Description Type Default value
VMAILUID vmail user id optional 1024
VMAILGID vmail group id optional 1024
OPENDKIM_KEY_LENGTH Size of your DKIM RSA key pair optional 2048
DBHOST MariaDB instance ip/hostname optional mariadb
DBUSER MariaDB database username optional postfix
DBNAME MariaDB database name optional postfix
DBPASS MariaDB database password required null
ADD_DOMAINS Add additional domains to the mailserver separated by commas (needed for dkim keys etc.) optional null
DISABLE_CLAMAV Disable virus scanning optional false
DISABLE_SPAMASSASSIN Disable SPAM checking optional false
DISABLE_SIEVE Disable ManageSieve protocol optional false
ENABLE_POSTGREY Enable Postgrey greylisting policy server optional false
ENABLE_POP3 Enable POP3 protocol optional false

If DISABLE_CLAMAV and DISABLE_SPAMASSASSIN are both set to true, Amavis is also completely disabled.

### Files/Folders tree

   |    mail.private
   |    mail.txt
   │     custom.conf
   │     postgrey.db
   │     ...
   │     default.sieve
   │     default.svbin
   |  ├──dhparams
   │  |     dh512.pem
   │  |     dh2048.pem
   |  ├──live (Let's Encrypt or other CA)
   |  |  ├──mail.domain.tld
   |  |  |     privkey.pem
   |  |  |     cert.pem
   |  |  |     chain.pem
   |  |  |     fullchain.pem
   |  ├──selfsigned (Auto-generated if no certificate found)
   │  |     cert.pem
   │  |     privkey.pem
   |  ├──domain.tld
   |  |  ├──user
   |  |  |     .dovecot.sieve -> sieve/rainloop.user.sieve
   |  |  |     .dovecot.svbin
   |  |  |  ├──mail
   |  |  |  |  ├──.Archive
   |  |  |  |  ├──.Drafts
   |  |  |  |  ├──.Sent
   |  |  |  |  ├──.Spam
   |  |  |  |  ├──.Trash
   |  |  |  |  ├──cur
   |  |  |  |  ├──new
   |  |  |  |     ...
   |  |  |  ├──sieve
   |  |  |  |     rainloop.user.sieve (if using rainloop webmail)

Let's encrypt

To use your Let's encrypt certificates, you may add another docker volume like this :

  image: hardware/mailserver
  • The common name of your ssl certifcate MUST be the same as your server's FQDN (for exemple, let's encrypt live subfolder name must be egual to domainname & hostname values of docker-compose file).

  • If you do not use let's encrypt, a default self-signed certificate (RSA 4096 bits SHA2) is generated here : /mnt/docker/mail/ssl/selfsigned/{cert.pem, privkey.pem}.

  • If you use another CA (other than Let's Encrypt) :

mkdir -p /mnt/docker/ssl/live/mail.domain.tld

Required files in this folder :

  • privkey.pem : Private key for the certificate
  • cert.pem : Server certificate only
  • chain.pem : Root and intermediate certificates only, excluding server certificate
  • fullchain.pem : All certificates, including server certificate. This is concatenation of cert.pem and chain.pem

And then mount the volume like this :

  image: hardware/mailserver

Override postfix configuration

Postfix default configuration can be overrided providing a custom configuration file at postfix format. This can be used to also add configuration that are not in default configuration. Postfix documentation remains the best place to find configuration options.

Each line in the provided file will be loaded into Postfix. Create a new file here /mnt/docker/mail/postfix/custom.conf and add your custom options inside.

Example :

# /mnt/docker/mail/postfix/custom.conf

smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP MyGreatMailServer
inet_protocols = ipv4
delay_notice_recipient = admin@domain.tld
delay_warning_time = 2h
docker logs -f mailserver

[INFO] Override : smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP MyGreatMailServer
[INFO] Override : inet_protocols = ipv4
[INFO] Override : delay_notice_recipient = postmaster@domain.tld
[INFO] Override : delay_warning_time = 2h
[INFO] Custom Postfix configuration file loaded

Email client settings :

  • IMAP/SMTP username : user@domain.tld
  • Incoming IMAP server : mail.domain.tld (your FQDN)
  • Outgoing SMTP server : mail.domain.tld (your FQDN)
  • IMAP port : 993
  • SMTP port : 587
  • IMAP Encryption protocol : SSL/TLS
  • SMTP Encryption protocol : STARTTLS


  • Quota support


  • Fork this repository
  • Create a new feature branch for a new functionality or bugfix
  • Commit your changes
  • Push your code and open a new pull request
  • Use issues for any questions





The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Hardware, contact@meshup.net