the sunniest version bumping tool
git and a remote named "origin"
beachball [command] [options]
change (default)
a tool to help create change files in the change/ folder
checks whether a change file is needed for this branch
bumps versions as well as generating changelogs
bumps, publishes to npm registry (optionally does dist-tags), and pushes changelogs back into the default branch
synchronizes published versions of packages from a registry, makes local package.json changes to match what is published
Some of the most common options are summarized below. For details, see the pages for CLI options and config file options.
Explicit configuration file to use instead of the configuration automatically detected by cosmicconfig.
registry, defaults to
- for the publish command: dist-tag for npm publishes
- for the sync command: will use specified tag to set the version
target branch from origin (default: as configured in 'git config init.defaultBranch')
custom message for the checkin (default: applying package updates)
skip pushing changes back to git remote origin
skip publishing to the npm registry
show help message
skips the prompts for publish
In large monorepos, the Beachball sync process can be time-consuming due to the high number of packages. To optimize performance, you can override the default concurrency (typically set to 2 or 5) by setting the NPM_CONCURRENCY environment variable to a value that best suits your needs
$ beachball
$ beachball check
$ beachball publish -r http://localhost:4873 -t beta