
reformatting soon
Current steps require running notebooks in Jupyter, but I'm planning to add command-line functionality

Steps to run analysis:

1. Sample token IDs

Run sampling.ipynb, which produces sampled_full.csv with the full information included in CHILDES for each sampled token as well as the gloss of its utterance.
analyzable_results/sampled_full_english_v4.csv is an example result of running sampling.ipynb.
Adjust parameters in code block 2.

2. Hand-annotate the sampled tokens for part-of-speech

Add the correct part of speech tags to sampled_full.csv in a new column called correct_pos.

3. Add the model's tags

Input your updated sampled_full.csv into tagging.ipynb to produce sampled_tagged.csv.
By default, tagging.ipynb uses spacy, but it can easily be adjusted for any model using the third code block. The adjustments for CoreNLP and Stanza are currently in block 3 but commented out.
Adjust parameters in code block 2.

4. Create part-of-speech mappings

a. One mapping from CHILDES part of speech category to a compatible-set category. remappings/childes_pos_remapping_full - childes_simplified_pos_full.csv is an example.
b. A second mapping from the model's POS and morphology categories to a compatible-set category. remappings/spacy_childes_pos_mapping_full - spacy_childes_pos_mapping_full.csv is an example.
spacy_pos_morph_pairs.ipynb generates all possible spaCy POS-morphology combinations, which may be helpful in creating the mapping for other models.
The mappings should have specific column names like spacy_part_of_speech, spacy_morphology, spacy_pos_converted and childes_simplified_pos, childes_remapped_pos. Replace "spacy" above with the name of the model you are using, which is the same name provided as a parameter to tagging.ipynb.

5. Using these two mappings, use scoring.ipynb to generate precision, recall, and F1 score for the model's tags, and to view the confusion matrix.

Currently, the notebook does some maneuvering to handle incomplete annotations, which may create strange results.