Read Journey 📚 - Next.js app


Welcome to the Book Library Management System! This project provides a platform for users to manage their reading habits, explore a wide range of books, and even contribute their own content to the library. With features like user authentication, book browsing, adding books to the library, and listening to audiobooks, this system aims to enhance the reading experience for all users.

About the project

This app allows you to discover and find interesting books depending on your preferences. Users can:

  • create accounts
  • search for books
  • add books to library
  • upload own books
  • listen to audiobooks
  • track reading time
  • change profile settings
  • filter books by different prompts


Live page: Read Journey

Project design: Layout

Technologies used:

FrontEnd BackEnd General
Next.js MongoDB VSCode
TypeScript Prisma GIT/GitHub
NextAuth.js Cloudinary Figma
Tailwind Webpack
React Hook Form

Installation & Scripts

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install the dependencies: npm install
  3. Run development mode: npm run dev
  4. Start local server: npm start
  5. Run production build: npm build

Development team - 👀

Meet the brilliant minds behind Read Journey:

GitHub Ivan Nedokhodiuk | Full Stack Developer

GitHub Georgii Budik | Full Stack Developer
