
Rust TCP server for the purpose of counting txt file lines in multiple threads.

Primary LanguageRust

Concurrent Line Counter with TCP Server


This application counts the number of lines in a file concurrently and provides a TCP server for handling client requests.


  • Concurrent file processing for line counting
  • TCP server to accept file paths and return line counts
  • Comprehensive error handling and performance optimization

Performance Optimizations

  1. Thread Pool:

    • Used threadpool cargo crate
    • Implemented threadpool in file_processor.rs to manage threads more efficiently
    • No need to create/destroy threads for each chunk for each file anymore
    • Reuse threads across other tasks
  2. Chunk Size: (Already existed)

    • Determine chunk size for file dynamically based on number of lines read from buffer


  1. Build and run the application:
cargo run

Connect to the server and send a file path:

nc 7878


Run the unit and integration tests:

cargo test