
Python bindngs for the Xiaomi Mi Home zigbee hub and associated devices

Primary LanguagePython

Library to use the Xiaomi Mi Home zigbee hub (receive paquets, events for now).

Example of usage as a simple mqtt relay:

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

MQTT_PORT = 1883

PATH_FMT = "xiaomi/{model}/{sid}/{prop}" # short_id or sid ?

def prepare_mqtt():
  client = mqtt.Client()
  client.connect(MQTT_SERVER, MQTT_PORT, 60)

  return client

def push_data(client, model, sid, cmd, data):
  for key, value in data.items():
      path = PATH_FMT.format(model=model,
      client.publish(path, payload=value, qos=0)

client = prepare_mqtt()
cb = lambda m, s, c, d: push_data(client, m, s, c, d)
connector = XiaomiConnector(data_callback=cb)

while True:

For more information on the protocol and devices, see my notes: https://notes.jmsinfor.com/blog/post/admin/Xiaomi-Hub