
Javascript Cypher query engine for graphs such as graphology and gun

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Graph DB Cypher query engine

A composable barebones Javascript Cypher (Neo4J) query implementation that can query a graph DB. Adapters for the following Graph DBs will be included.


WIP (currently working on Strategy layer - filters)

Any community assistance much appreciated :)

Query Engine Architecture

The Query Engine is architected as a decoupled set of composable units that can be tested independently, re-architected or replaced.

The Query is responsible for exposing a builder object which can build a strategy that can be run from the query instance to return query results.

Query Builder

The QueryBuilder is responsible for exposing a DSL for creating a Query Strategy to be executed on a GraphQL connection

Query Strategy

The QueryStrategy is responsible for encapsulating the strategy being built by the builder.


The QueryStrategyExecuter is responsible for executing a strategy on a given graph API, such as an API for an in-memory graph or a Graph API abstraction on GunDB.

The executer returns the Cypher query results either as a stream or as a Promise (ie. async).

GraphDB Adapters

The query engine is be designed to support adapter for various GraphDBs

Currently this library aims to support:

The initial implementation will support a small subset of Cypher which can be extended by the community our to suit your particular use case.

The DSL query chain builder could further be extended with full string query support using Chevrotain with a Cypher grammar, parser and generator.

Creating adapters

To create an adapter for a given graph DB, the following APIs must be implemented

  • IGraphApi
  • IGraphObjectApi

Adapters for these interfaces are being developed for Graphology (in-memory) and GunDB (distributed graphs for Dapps) under src/adapters

Graph API

This API is used to operate on a the graph as a whole

  • create graph objects (nodes, edges)
  • traverse the graph
  • find relationship patterns in the graph
  • ...

The current API is designed for creating nodes and edges but will be extended

export interface IGraphApi {
  createNode(opts: NodeDef): any;
  createEdge(fromId: string, toId: string, edgeDef: RelationDef): any;

Graph Object API

This API is used to operate on a particular graph object (node or edge)

  • access values
  • update node values

The current API is read-only information gathering but will be extended

export interface IGraphObjApi {
  propValue(node: any, propName: string): any;
  nodeLabels(node: any): string[];

Developing the API

The Cypher Query Engine will be developed starting from result and step by step back to match.

It should be developed interface first, starting with the executer, then startegy and finally the builder to build the strategy.


The current target architecture looks roughly as follows:

Cypher Query Architecture

APIs under development


import { query } from "gun-cypher";

const bobData = {
  age: 32,
  firstname: "Bob",
  lastname: "Martin",

const q = query(gun);
const create = q.$create;
create.node({ alias: "m" });
create.node({ alias: "m", label: "michael" });
create.node({ alias: "b", labels: ["bobby"], props: bobData });
create.node({ alias: "a", label: "avaria", props: { x: 2 } });
  { alias: "a", label: "avaria", props: bobData },
  { alias: "b", labels: "bobby", props: { x: 3 } },


const q = query(gun);
const match = q.$match;
match.node({ alias: "a" });
match.node({ alias: "m", label: "michael" });


const q = query(gun);
const where = q.$where;
where.obj("m").labels({ include: "Michael" });
where.obj("b").labels({ include: "person" });
where.obj("b").props({ age: gte(18), gender: eq("male") });
where.obj("a").labels({ include: "owns" });

Where eq and gte are simply convenience helpers for a more complex JSON structure:

{ age: {gte: 18}, gender: {eq: "male"} }

Not that more complex comnparison statements like not equal, can be expressed either as neq or {not: eq: }

Similarly { age: {ngte: 18} or { age: {not: {gte: 18}} is the same as { age: {lt: 18}

The Where builders should build a WhereClause with filter expressions (FilterExpr).

Any FilterExpr can itself be a composite, such as AndExpr and OrExpr. Each FilterExpr implementation must have a run method that runs the filter on a graph object (node or edge)

Any alias referenced (such as mike in the above example) must be matched in the alias map created using a previous Match builder.


Return selects what is to be returned as results for each alias that references a result set of matching graph objects.

Return expressions can select the alias itself (each full object) a given property for each object, the count of objects or aggregations of props, such as the sum or average of given (numerical) properties.

Each return expression can be assigned an alias or will determine a default alias if possible.


Result expressions can be used to partition the result set into a window (limit and skip rows of data) or to combine result sets (union)

const q = query(gun);
q.match.node({ alias: "mike" });
q.return.obj("mike").prop("age").as("years old");
return q.result.limit({ count: 5 }).skip({ count: 2 });

Any alias referenced (such as mike in the above example) must be matched in the alias map created using a previous Match builder (same as for Where).

Return optionally return results grouped by label (default). It returns a result which adheres to the following interface:

IQueryResult {
  headers: string[];
  data: any[];
  rows: number;
  columns: number;

Sample result:

  headers: ['age', 'name'],
  data: [
    {'32', 'Michael'},
    {'24', 'Anna'},
    {'7', 'Ricky'},

result.rows would return 3 (since 3 rows in data) and result.columns would return 2 (since 2 header values in headers).

Strategy API

The Cypher Query Builder is composed via a builderMap passed into the root QueryBuilder instance.

The builderMap must adhere to the following interfaces. By default a defaultBuilderMap function is called to create and setup the built-in builder map using the Builder classes that come with this library out of the box.

export interface ReturnBuilderMap {
  aggregation: ReturnBuilderFn;
  count: ReturnBuilderFn;
  prop: ReturnBuilderFn;

export interface ResultBuilderMap {
  root: ResultBuilderFn;
  skip: ResultBuilderFn;
  limit: ResultBuilderFn;
  union: ResultBuilderFn;

export type WhereRootBuilderFn = (
  q: IQueryBuilder,
  config: any
) => IWhereBuilder;

export interface WhereBuilderMap {
  root: WhereRootBuilderFn;
  or: WhereBuilderFn;
  and: WhereBuilderFn;
  not: WhereBuilderFn;

export interface IBuilderMap {
  create: {
    root: CreateRootFactoryFn;
  delete: {
    root: DeleteRootFactoryFn;
  match: {
    root: MatchBuilderRootFactoryFn;
  where: WhereBuilderMap;
  return: ReturnBuilderMap;
  result: ResultBuilderMap;

The Strategy instance used by the builder must be configured with a strategyMap instance that implement IStrategyMap and which contains a map of the factory methods to create each type of strategy for the chainable builder DSL methods.

This makes the strategy completely configurable and composable, so that you can override, customize and extend with a strategy to fit your particular needs.

By default it calls defaultStrategyMap to generate a default strategy based on the default filter and result expressions provided.

export const defaultStrategyMap = (): IStrategyMap => {
  return {
    // ...

Each builder method looks up a "strategy" from the strategyMap and adds a query expression (such as a filter) using that strategy. Here is an example for the AndExprBuilder (builder of an And query expression). The builder class initially creates an instance of strategyMap.filter.exprMap.boolean.and. Each time matches(config) is called on the builder, the config is parsed/evaluated using createFilterFrom(config) and a filter is created from that config and added to the and expression using this.expr.addFilter(expr);

export class AndExprBuilder extends BaseExprBuilder {
  expr: IAndFilterExpr;

  constructor(w: IWhereBuilder, config: any = {}) {
    // Note: the create and add could both be encapsulated under the addExpression method
    // createExpression uses strategyMap
    const expr = this.strategy.createExpression("and", config);
    // based on the expr figures out which controller and clause to add it to
    this.expr = expr;

  matches(config: any) {
    const expr = this.createFilterFrom(config);
    return this;

All the expressions should be gathered in an IExpressionsTree. Each root node is an IAliasFilterExpr for a given type of expressions. The IAliasFilterExpr is a composite, which may contain a tree of composite expressions.

export interface IQueryController {
  match?: IMatchController;
  where?: IWhereController;
  return?: IReturnController;

  run(): IQueryResult | undefined;

The IMatchController

export interface IMatchController {
  clauses: IMatchClauses;

The IWhereController is a composite of where conditions that MUST be true (in must) and OPTIONAL conditions (in optional)

The IWhereController must control the execution of both these clauses and sets of filter expressions.

export interface IWhereController {
  clauses: IWhereClauses;

export class WhereController implements IWhereController {
  clauses: IWhereClauses = new WhereClauses();

The ICypherStrategy must contain all the clauses with expressions built up from the builder. The clauses (and expressions) are maintained and controlled in a instance of IQueryController.

export interface ICypherStrategy {
  queryController: IQueryController;
  setGraphApi(graphApi: IGraphApi): ICypherStrategy;
  configure(config: any): ICypherStrategy;
  run(objs: GraphObjDef[]): IQueryResult;

The executer can then pass in the apis such as api: IGraphApi for accessing the graph as a whole and graphObjApi: IGraphObjApi; for operating on individual graph objects.

export interface ICypherStrategyExecuter {
  strategy: ICypherStrategy;
  configure(config: any);
  run(): IResult;

export class CypherStrategyExecuter {
  strategy: ICypherStrategy;

  constructor(strategy: ICypherStrategy) {
    this.strategy = strategy;

  configure(config: any) {
    return this;

  run() {
    // configure stategy if needed
    // traverse graph to retrieve objects to feed to strategy.run
    // run filters in strategy on graph using api
    return this.strategy.run(objs);

Using an executer:

// strategy created by query builder
const executer = createStrategyExecuter(strategy);
const queryResult = executer.configure(config).run();

The executer can decide how to feed the graph objects to the strategy, either as a list, as a stream, or whatever. All the strategy should deal with is receiving one or more (graph) objects to filter on and return results for.


The matches should constitute a rough filter that is executed on the graph to build a rough IFilterResult result to be optionally further filtered with where.

export interface IFilterResult {
  [key: string]: GraphObjDef[];

Each key entry contains a list of matching graph objects for that key. Matches filter on matching relationship patterns and matching labels and property values.


The core of the Query engine is the concept of filters. Filters can be composed into a hierarchical structure of leafs and composites. Any filter must have a run method. Any filter filters on a single graph object (node or edge).

To filter the entire graph, a traversal strategy must be used to traverse the graph objects (such as Depth first or Breadth first) and them for each object encountered, it must be run through the filter to determine if this graph object should be part of the filter result set.

Composite filters

The Filter class contains a run method of the following form

  run() {
    this.result = this.filterAll(this.objs);
    return this;

Any class implementing IFilterExpr must contain a run and runAll methods.

The method run passes a single graph object through the filter and returns the object if the filter passes and returns undefined if not

The method runAll passes a list of graph objects through and returns a list of the objects that passed the filter.

interface IFilterExpr {
  run(obj: any): GraphObjDef | undefined;
  runAll(objs: GraphObjDef[]): GraphObjDef[];

Note: When we get to support the GunDB API, this API will need to be promise based.

As the filters are run, a results list will be returned on each tree node in the filter hierarchy, which must then be assembled into the final flat result format, each set of results linked to a match alias.

Resolving boolean filter trees

The resolution operates relative to list of objects (previously matched) and the tree must determine which of these objects should still be in the result set.

Boolean operations use set operations to calculate the result, including: union, difference and intersection

The AND operations is the intersection of nodes for each of the sub expressions matches (ie. those nodes that are matched by ALL sub expressions that are part of the AND composition)

The OR operations is the distinct union (set addition) of nodes matched by ANY of the of sub expressions.

The NOT is the difference of the "incoming" list of matches with the nodes matched by the sub expression (ie. set subtraction).

A complex boolean filter may be structured in a tree like structure, like the following, which is evaluated depth first left to right.

  filter: [{
    not: [{
      and: [{
        age: {gte: { ...}},
        name: {eq: { ... }}
    or: [{
      level: {gte: { ...}},
      status: {eq: { ... }}

So that the leaf expressions for the and expression would be evaluated first.

  and: [{
    true (matching nodes),
    false (no matching nodes)

Logical and for true and false is false

  not: [{
    false (ie. no matching nodes)

not on false (no matching nodes) means the inverse set, ie. all nodes in the root. If the not filter had returned one or more nodes, the inverse set would be the root nodes minus the nodes matched by the not filter.

  true (ie. return matching nodes NOT)

Then or expression is evaluated, resulting in first the leaf expressions

  or: [{
    false (no matching nodes)
    true (matching nodes OR2)

Logical or for false and true is true returning the set labeled OR2

Resulting in a combined (union) result set of all nodes combined with OR2, ie. all nodes in the graph.

Query example

Let's assume we have a graph with the following nodes and edges and relationships.


const michael = {
  type: "node",
  labels: ["person"],
  props: { name: "michael", age: 36, sex: "male" },

const anna = {
  type: "node",
  labels: ["person"],
  props: { name: "anna", age: 27, sex: "female" },

const thomas = {
  type: "node",
  labels: ["person"],
  props: { name: "thomas", age: 17, sex: "male" },

export { michael, anna };


const mazda = {
  type: "node",
  labels: ["car"],
  props: { brand: "mazda" },

const audi = {
  type: "node",
  labels: ["car"],
  props: { brand: "audi" },

export { mazda, audi };


import { michael, anna } from "./persons";
import { mazda, audi } from "./cars";

const michael_owns_audi = {
  type: "edge",
  labels: ["owns"],
  props: { since: 2016 },
  from: michael,
  to: audi,

const anna_owns_mazda = {
  type: "edge",
  labels: ["owns"],
  props: { since: 2012 },
  from: anna,
  to: mazda,

export { michael_owns_audi, anna_owns_mazda };

We can then make a query as follows where we match any person node as p, any car node as c.

const q = query(gun);
const $match = q.match;
$match.obj("p").matches({ label: "person" });
$match.obj("c").matches({ label: "car" });

This would create the following alis matching map:

  'p': [michael, anna, thomas],
  'c': [mazda, audi],

We can then use where queries to further filter from these aliased filter results.

const $where = q.where;
$where.obj("p").props({ age: { gte: 18 }, sex: "male" });
$where.obj("c").props({ since: { gte: 2015 } });

This would result in the following:

  'p': [michael, anna],
  'c': [audi],

We can then use return to select what to return

const $return = q.return;
$return.alias("p").count({ distinct: true }).as("number of legal owners");
$return.alias("c").prop("brand").as("car brand");

This would give us the final table

  headers: ['number of legal owners', 'car brand'],
  data: [
    [1, 'mazda'],
    [1, 'audi']

Finally we can select a window of the result set (skip and limit) or combine it with another result set (union)

const $result = q.result;
$result.limit({ count: 5 });
Label filters

Label filters filter on graph object labels. Currently the filters implemented support:

  • Includes label via String.includes
  • Matches label (RegExp match)
Prop filters

Prop filters filter on graph object props. Currently the filters implemented support:

  • Equality (=== and !==)
  • Greater than (> and >=)
  • Less than (< and <=)
Node Filters

The PatternExpr filter will match if a given complex node pattern can be identified, such as Node A related to Node B via Edge with label owns.

Converting Filter results to Query results

The FilterResultConverter class can be used to convert an IFilterResult to an IQueryResult


The filter results will be passed to the Results builder after conversion via FilterResultConverter

The Results class can then use various result expressions to futher limit or reorganise the results before final return and presentation.

Current ResultExpr implementations include

  • LimitExpr limit result data rows returned
  • SkipExpr skip initial result data rows returned
  • UnionExpr unite two sets of results into one (if they share same headers)

Results are of the form IQueryResult

IQueryResult {
  headers: string[];
  data: any[];
  rows: number;
  columns: number;

Sample result:

  headers: ['age', 'name'],
  data: [
    {'32', 'Michael'},
    {'24', 'Anna'},
    {'7', 'Ricky'},