
Django application which enables running tasks in a manner similar to cron jobs.

Primary LanguagePython

Project forked from: https://code.google.com/p/django-cron/


The django app will allow the site to run code in a cron job like manor without needing to setup a real cron job (Useful for people hosting on windows or with Hosting companies that do not give you access to setup cron jobs).

To create a Cron Job you create a file called cron.py in your application directory that will contain the jobs you wish to run. Once you have your jobs created you need add two lines to your primary urls.py (Similar to what you need to do for the admin site)

import django_cron

That will go though all your installed apps and see if they have a cron job to register

Example Cron Job included in the application

from django_cron import cronScheduler, Job

#This is a function I checking a feedback email address and add it to our database. Replace with your own 

from MyMailFunctions import check_feedback_mailbox

class CheckMail(Job):
		Cron Job that checks the lgr users mailbox and adds any approved senders' attachments to the db

		# run every 300 seconds (5 minutes)
		run_every = 300
		def job(self):
				# This will be executed every 5 minutes
