
An example of prometheus scrape discovery for targets using ssh tunnel reverse port forwarding

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Prometheus ssh reverse tunnel target scrape discovery example

This repository contains an example of how dynamic prometheus scrape target discovery can be done.

The idea is that you have many nodes running prometheus-node-exporter, some of which you may not be in control of.

In this case, you want to grant these nodes access to the prometheus server via SSH public key authentication and then have prometheus dynamically discover their scrape endpoint (and start scraping them) as they connect automatically.


There are two directories, each is inteded for setting up:

  • The client(s), each running only prometheus-node-exporter.
  • The server, the only node running prometheus.


  1. Install ansible on your workstation (not the target server)

  2. cd to the server directory

  3. Run the playbook against the target host. e.g:

    ansible-playbook -u admin -i ',' playbook.yml


  1. Copy the entire client directory to the client host.
  2. SSH to the client host and change user to root
  3. cd to the client directory and run ./setup.sh
  4. Copy the ssh public key from /srv/prometheus-tunnel/.ssh/id_rsa.pub on the client to /srv/prometheus-tunnels/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server