Calendar Application for MongoDB Driver Demo
How to use
Edit the api_base_url in index.html.
Endpoints required:
- GET /tasks - get all tasks (currently not used)
- GET /tasks/{id} - get specific task (currently not used)
- GET /tasks/for_date/2014-10-25 - get all tasks for the given date
- POST /tasks - Create a new task
- PUT /tasks - Update (replace) an existing task
- DELETE /tasks/{id} - Delete a task
A task has:
- title - string
- text - string
- priority - integer in [0, 1, 2, 3]
- completed - boolean (should default to false)
- date - datetime - the date it is for
Make sure the server can parse the dates and ids without issues.
Also, if hosting the front-end and server on different HTTP ports make sure you enable cross-origin requests with the following headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST,GET,PUT,DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Origin, Content-type