
CLI Search Engine - Makers Academy Project Week

Primary LanguageRuby

The SunTiger Build Status

CLI Search Engine built from scratch developed during a week project at Makers Academy

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Clone the repo, enter the cloned directory and install the dependencies with the following commands:

git clone git@github.com:georn/search_engine.git
git cd search_engine
bundle install
  • If you want to run the test:
rspec spec
  • If you want to run the CLI search engine:
ruby lib/interface.rb




The first couple of days we spent researching about what would imply to build a search engine, investigating about the main algorithms they involved such as the Crawler, Indexer, Ranker and the Query. As well as making a choice to which technologies we would use to build it, which we choose Ruby because of the familiarity all the team had.We also spent the afternoon of the first day doing Mob programming [spiking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_(software_development) some elements of the search engine, so all the team understood the task at hand and thus come with a plan on how to start developing the search engine and our workflow.

We split all four of us into pairs that would work to build a class each, the Crawler and the Indexer came first, and then the Ranking and the Interface.We organised our stand-ups every morning to catch up to with the rest of the team and understand struggles that we might work as a team.


Normally every search engine possesses similar elements in they algorithm in order to work, from Bing to Google. Here are the classes we created and their algorithm in order to make our search engine work:

  • Crawler:

    1. Initialises with an array of seeds (URLs).
    2. Fetches data from each seed url:
      • All the urls on the page to repopulate the seeds.
      • Keywords provided in the head of the page (given by tag 'meta').
      • Description provided in the head of the page (given by tag 'meta').
      • All headers on the page (<h1> unto <h6>).
      • The full text on a page, as a raw string without punctuation (given by tag <p>).
    3. Saves all data in a CSV file. Each row in the file is a new seed.
  • Indexer:

    1. For each seed, removes all the stopwords from data provided.
    2. Stems the words (e.g. groups together words such as 'fish', 'fishes', 'fishing', etc.).
    3. Counts amount of time each word is being used from each data attribute in a hash [PROVIDE EXAMPLE].
    4. includes the index of the seed, to correlate with the data in the CSV.
  • Ranker:

    1. Calculates a score when a query word is provided
    2. Takes in hash provided by the indexer, plus the query
    3. Calculates final score by multiplying the amount of times a word is used by a value dependent on where the word is found.
  • Ranking Multiplier

Ranking Factor Ranking Value
url 5
keywords 4
description 3
headers 2
text 1
  • Example: Query word spider. Used in:
Ranking Factor Ranking Value Instances
url 5 0
keywords 4 2
description 3 1
headers 2 2
text 1 6
Total Score 21
  • Interface:

    1. Interacts with the user
    2. User can give a keyword to search
    3. For each seed a ranker is created, and each ranker calculates the total score relative to the query.
    4. All ranks are placed in an array and sorted by the highest score.
    5. All seed urls are printed in the proposed sorting, highest rank at the top.

User Stories


As a Person,
So I can expand my knowledge,
I would like to search some websites


As a Person,
So I can search for a specific topic,
I can type in some keywords
As a Person,
So I can choose the right website to visit,
I want the options to be displayed
As a Person,
So I can choose the most relevant website,
I want the options to be ranked
As a Person,
So I have the right information,
I want the search engine to look for specific matching data on a webpage
As a Maintainer,
So I can save storage,
I want to stem the raw texts from webpages before indexing
As a Maintainer,
So I have control over my crawler,
I want the possibility to add URLs to the seed manually


One decision we stumble upon was whether which form of database system we wanted to use to store and query information gathered from the seeds, and we have decided as you may have noticed in the project files or the classes to use CSV files. The main reason for this was because of time; we expected early in the project that setting up a database such as PostgreSQL would take us quite the amount of time based on our skills, and we had a limit of time to come with an MVP ( 1 week ). Using CSV files also had their trick to store and parse the data correctly as well as testing it took it while as well.

Another challenge, much less important was how many seeds would we want to use in order to define our MVP. We decided that given two seeds would be enough.

Now that the program is finished we could use as many seeds as we want!

Another challenge is regarding the Crawler, it repopulates the seeds but it does not visit them. Visiting the seeds could cause the program to run into an infinite loop visiting all the urls possible. This is certainly something that could be optimise.

Tech Stack

  • Plain Ol' Ruby (and some VERY useful gems like Nokogiri)


This amazing hard working people were the team involved in the development of this week project!