
Week 1 Challenge of Makers Academy

Primary LanguageRuby

Boris Bikes Build Status Coverage Status

Week 1 Challenge at Makers Academy

This is an program that emulates the Boris Bikes (Santander Cycles) system in London.

User Stories

1. As a person,
So that I can use a bike,
I'd like a docking station to release a bike.

2. As a person,
So that I can use a good bike,
I'd like to see if a bike is working.

3. As a member of the public,
So I can return bikes I've hired,
I want to dock my bike at the docking station.

4. As a member of the public,
So I can decide whether to use the docking station,
I want to see a bike that has been docked.

5. As a member of the public,
So I can not confused and charged unnecessarily,
I'd like docking stations not to release bikes when there are none available.

6. As a system maintainer,
So that busy areas can be served more effectively,
I want to be able to specify a larger capacity when necessary.

7. As a member of the public,
So that I can reduce the chance of getting a broken bike in the future,
I'd like to report a bike as broken when I return it.

8. As a system maintainer,
So that I can manage broken bikes and not disappoint users,
I'd like docking stations not to release broken bikes.

9. As a system maintainer,
So that I can manage broken bikes and not disappoint users,
I'd like docking stations not to accept broken bikes or working bikes.


Clone the repository and change directory to its folder by using the following command lines

git clone git@github.com:georn/boris-bikes.git
cd boris-bikes

Then you can run the test using:

# Install dependencies
bundle install

# Run the tests (rspec)


User Stories task list

  • Docking Stations can release Bikes
  • Bikes can be check if they are working
  • Docking Stations can dock Bikes
  • Docked Bikes can be check from the Docking Station
  • Docking Stations do not release bikes when empty
  • Docking Stations capacity can be changed
  • Bike can be report as broken
  • Docking Station do not release broken bikes
  • Docking Station docks broken bikes


This amazing people collaborated to the code, but by that time I wasn't a good git collaborator. Thus here are some credits.