
Basic Calculator - Learning Go in a 3hr Mob Programming Session

Primary LanguageGo


This is a basic calculator programmed in a 3 hour long mob programming session during the PLIBMTTBHGATY event at Makers Academy in order to explore the Golang.


To run this program in your computer first you need to clone the repo and enter the applications folder

git clone git@github.com:georn/goCalculator-learning-go.git
cd goCalculator-learning-go

Next you need to install go in your computer, to do so you can always refer to the official Goland documentation:

After installing you should be able to first build the program with the following command:

go build src/calculator.go

Which will create an executable named calculator, to run the program just type:



Very much like C, a Go program has a func main() {} where the code runs imperatively. That made us realize that we could easily structure the code in a Control Flow diagram.


We proceeded to make our way through the code programming in a similar way to a C program. We declare 4 functions to handle the calculations and also handle standard input and output.

The big exception in this project is that we didn't proceed to do testing. This was more of an explotarial project just for fun and for an meetup rather than a full depth into Golang.


Programmers in the mob programming session:

  • Simon Ashbery
  • [Mysterious Programmer who I was not polite enough to ask his github account]