
A place to list all my SELinux debugging commands and handy tips. Help me SELinux, you're my only hope.

A place to list all my SELinux debugging commands and handy tips. Help me SELinux, you're my only hope.


Local Interfaces:

  • Copy custom policy interface to locatation so it is available to build against with audit2allow -R: install -Dp -m 0664 -o root -g root myapp.if /usr/share/selinux/devel/include/myapplications/myapp.if


make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile myapp.pp

Installing a policy:

semodule -i myapp.pp

Restoring contexts (recursively switch):

restorecon -RvF

Permission Handling:

Search SELinux if a source domain can read a file of the target type:

sesearch -A -s myapp_t -t etc_t -c file -p read

Show attributes assigned to type:

seinfo -xt myapp_var_log_t

Semanage port handling:

semanage port -a -t myapp_port_t -p tcp 3000

Show process domain:

ps -efZ | grep myapp

Show what context a file should have in a location:

matchpathcon /path/to/something

Audit Log:

Searching the audit log:

ausearch -m avc,user_avc,selinux_err -ts recent | less

  • Searching the audit log with audit2allow and match against interfaces with switch -R: ausearch -m avc,user_avc,selinux_err -ts recent | auditallow -R

Enabling full PATH audit logs:

  • Will remain until reboot: auditctl -w /etc/shadow -p w

  • Permanently (CentOS 9 Stream): echo "-w /etc/shadow -p w" >> /etc/audit/rules.d/audit.rules service auditd restart

Using audit to monitor actions:

  • List all current rules in use: auditctl -l
  • Add a directory to monitor for write permissions: auditctl -w /opt/mydir -p w
  • Remove a rule (capital switch): auditctl -W <exact rule>

File Locations:

  • SELinux stored file contexts: /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts

Commonly Used Tools and Packages:
