
Simple Todo App in React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple Todo list application built with React.js and Tailwind CSS.

  • Task Creation: The application allows users to create tasks using the AddTaskModal component. When the user clicks the “Add Task” button, a modal opens where they can enter the title of the new task. If the title field is left empty, an error message is displayed. When a new task is added, it is assigned a unique ID, its selected and completed properties are set to false, and it is added to the tasks array in the state.
  • Task Display: All tasks are displayed in a table in the TaskList component. Each task has a checkbox, a title, a complete button, and a delete button. If a task is marked as completed, its title is strikethrough, and its checkbox and delete button are disabled.
  • Task Selection: Each task can be selected or deselected by clicking its checkbox. The selected property of the task in the tasks array is toggled accordingly. There’s also a “select all” checkbox in the table header that allows the user to select or deselect all tasks at once. However, completed tasks cannot be selected.
  • Task Completion: Each task can be marked as completed or uncompleted by clicking its complete button. The completed property of the task in the tasks array is toggled accordingly. When a task is marked as completed, its selected property is set to false, making it unselectable.
  • Task Deletion: Each task can be deleted individually by clicking its delete button. However, completed tasks cannot be deleted. There’s also a “Mass Delete” button that allows the user to delete all selected tasks at once. When a task is deleted, it is removed from the tasks array in the state.
  • Selected Count: The application keeps track of the number of selected tasks. This count is updated whenever a task is selected, deselected, completed, or deleted. The count is displayed on the “Mass Delete” button.
  • Highlighting and Deleting Animations: When a new task is added, it is briefly highlighted. When a task is deleted, a deleting animation is played.

This application demonstrates a variety of functionalities including state management, conditional rendering, and interaction with user input.




Install package

npm install

Run server

npm run dev