
Docker Pulls


MapCache is a server that implements tile caching to speed up access to WMS layers. The primary objectives are to be fast and easily deployable, while offering the essential features (and more!) expected from a tile caching solution.

For more information, see MapCache repository:

Run mapcache_seed

Seed google layer from config file:

docker run --rm -ti --volume=somewhere:/var/sig/tiles --volume=config.xml:/etc/mapcache/mapcache.xml camptocamp/mapcache:1.6 mapcache_seed -c /etc/mapcache/mapcache.xml -l google

Run mapcache

docker run --publish=8080:80 --volume=somewhere:/var/sig/tiles --volume=config.xml:/etc/mapcache/mapcache.xml camptocamp/mapcache:1.6

Run mapcache as non root user

docker run --user=www-data --publish=8080:8080 --volume=somewhere:/var/sig/tiles --volume=config.xml:/etc/mapcache/mapcache.xml camptocamp/mapcache:1.6


You can set a few environment variables to tune the container: