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Events Tracking Map Demo - GeoServer/PostGIS/MapStore

This project shows how to use GeoServer, PostGIS and MapStore in a docker container to visualize location data related to an event. The sample data provided in the repository is crime/complaint data of the cities of New York and Denver available to the open data portals.

Screenshot of the map viewer with New York crime data

Table of content


This repository provides:

  • A datadir folder with the definition of workspaces, database connections, layers and styles to create the layers for the Denver Crime Map, New York Crime Map and New York 311 Service Request Map.
  • A sql folder containing sample data of New York and Denver crime locations and police precincts as well as 311 SR locations and community districts.
  • A docker compose file that sets up a GeoServer running on said data directory, and a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database loaded with the data, already setup to talk with each other
  • The packages/mapstore-events-tracker folder containing the source files for the frontend application.

GeoServer setup

Before using the machinery above, a .env file needs to be created, in this directory. The file will contain a couple of setup parameters for the PostgreSQL database, e.g.:


For the time being, keep the file as above, as the GeoServer data directory is using those exact values. This is suitable for development, we'll make it fully parametric later down the road.

Finally run start.sh to build the web clients and start up PostgreSQL and GeoServer.

The data import in the database could take some time so ensure that the docker has completed the process via logs.

CTRL-C will Kill the process and shut down the two docker containers. Use clean.sh to remove the clients, containers and PostgreSQL data.

MapStore Events Tracker app setup (optional)

The mapStore-events-tracker up is a MapStore downstream project with custom plugins that compose the UI interface. Most of the configuration are applied with json file that does not require a new build of the application but in case is needed is possible to run the source file in development mode and be able to modify files and configurations:

Download and process data

This repository provides some data samples that have been download from the following portals:

demo url description
New York Crime Map https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Public-Safety/NYPD-Complaint-Data-Historic/qgea-i56i/data download the csv file with following type filters KY_CD=105, 106, 107, 109, 110
New York 331 SR Map https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Social-Services/311-Service-Requests-from-2010-to-Present/erm2-nwe9/data download the csv file with following type filters complaint_type=Noise, Noise - Commercial, Noise - Helicopter, Noise - House of Worship, Noise - Park, Noise - Residential, Noise - Street/Sidewalk, Noise - Vehicle
Denver Crime Map https://www.denvergov.org/opendata/dataset/city-and-county-of-denver-crime

This section shows how one of the sample data has been downloaded and processed. This example the NYC Open Data portal focusing on the NYC Open Data - NYPD Complaint Data Historic dataset.

Download data

Before downloading we must filter the data to the specific complaint types our client application has been configured to support.

View the NYPD Complaint Data Historic data set and follow the steps below:

  • Click the Filter button

  • Click the Add a New Filter Condition button


  • Choose the KY_CD column (represent the type of crime)


  • Add the values 105, 106, 107, 109, 110


  • Click again the Add a New Filter Condition button

  • Choose the CMPLNT_FR_DT column with the is after operator (represent the date)

  • Add the value 01/01/2018


  • Click the Export button

  • Click CSV


Finally we downloaded the data from the NYC Open Data from here

Process data

The downloaded csv file is not ready yet because it needs some additional adjustment before importing it in the database. We are expecting to create two table in the database: event and region.

Inside the repository we have import scripts for the sample database that can be found here. These sql script takes the download csv file and convert it in the expected tables. These scripts contains already the region table for the new york precincts. In case of different area the region table must be replaced with the structure described below.

This snippet of code extracted from sql/import/new-york.sql.gz show how the original crime data is processed to fit the event table structure.

INSERT INTO newyork.event (
  ST_SetSRID(POINT(longitude, latitude)::geometry, 4326),
  TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(cmplnt_fr_dt,'mm/dd/yyyy'), 'yyyymm')::bigint,
    TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(cmplnt_fr_dt,'mm/dd/yyyy'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') || ' ' || cmplnt_fr_tm,
FROM newyork.tmp_csv
WHERE TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(cmplnt_fr_dt, 'mm/dd/yyyy'), 'yyyy')::bigint > 2005
  AND addr_pct_cd IS NOT NULL
  AND (longitude BETWEEN -74.2556 AND -73.70000)
  AND (latitude BETWEEN 40.4961 AND 40.9156);

The current sample data is already prepared with the correct table structure so it does need additional setup step. The sql data is imported via docker-compose.yml in the postgres service:

    - ./sql/nyc-311.sql.gz:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/nyc-311.sql.gz
    - ./sql/denver.sql.gz:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/denver.sql.gz
    - ./sql/new-york.sql.gz:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/new-york.sql.gz

So it is possible to add a new entry to the volumes with the correspondent sql script where each schema must have the event and region table with the following structure.

event table

This table contains all the point locations of the events. It expect following columns:

column type description
id [PK] bigint primary key
src_id text id from the original data source
type text type of event, eg. category
region_name text name of the region where the event has been registered
month bigint month value formatted as YYYYMM
date timestamp without timezone data from the original data source
longitude double precision longitude of the event
latitude double precision latitude of the event
the_geom geometry point geometry of the event

region table

This table contains all the region represented as polygon geometries where the event has been registered. It expect following columns:

column type description
id [PK] bigint primary key
name text name of the region, eg. the precinct name
group_name text name of an higher level administrative division that include this region, eg. the borough name
population numeric population of the region
the_geom geometry polygon geometry of the region

Finally running the ./start.sh command all the schemas will be imported in the docker postgres database. This process will not create automatically the layer on GeoServer that need to be configured manually once time.

GeoServer layers

The layers used in the dashboards are mainly layer created with sql view that uses as base data sources the event and region tables. The layers used by the default client application are:

name layer type description
event_full sql view used for WPS request to display data in charts, counter and table
region PostGIS datastore used for WFS to requests to store information about the precincts
event_region_gt sql view used for WFS requests to visualize the precincts on map
hex_cluster_ytd_gt sql view used for WFS requests to visualize the hexagon on map
square_cluster_ytd_gt sql view used for WFS requests to visualize the square on map
point_cluster_ytd_gt sql view used for WFS requests to visualize the point cluster on map

Here some additional documentation about the created layers:

Note: layer for the denver workspace uses a different name convention for the event and region tables

Tested environments

Linux machine:

  • Linux Mint 20.1
  • Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
  • docker-compose version 1.25.0

Windows machine

  • Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.1348]
  • Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (WSL 2 distro)
  • Docker version 20.10.10, build b485636
  • docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c

⚠️ Known Docker issues in Apple M1 computers: The project might have difficulties running in computers running Apple M1 chips. Here are documented some known issues with Docker in Apple M1 computers