

Primary LanguageCSS


You should write some docs, it's good for the soul.


Install geonode with:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:geonode/stable

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install geonode

Create a new template based on the geonode example project.:

$ django-admin startproject my_geonode --template=https://github.com/GeoNode/geonode-project/archive/2.6.zip -epy,rst
$ sudo pip install -e my_geonode


You should NOT use the name geonode for your project as it will conflict with the default geonode package name.


Rename the local_settings.py.sample to local_settings.py and edit it's content by setting the SITEURL and SITENAME.

Edit the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/geonode and change the following directive from:

WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/geonode/wsgi/geonode.wsgi


WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/my_geonode/my_geonode/wsgi.py

To avoid having to grant apache permissions (i.e. www-data user and group) to your home dir where you likely setup the geonode-project; you may want to instead copy the wsgi.py file next to geonode.wsgi and replace the file name instead of the entire path.

$ cp /path/to/my_geonode/my_geonode/wsgi.py /var/www/geonode/wsgi/wsgi.py

Add the "Directory" directive for your folder like the following example:

<Directory "/home/vagrant/my_geonode/my_geonode/">

Order allow,deny

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

Allow from all

Require all granted

IndexOptions FancyIndexing


Restart apache:

$ sudo service apache2 restart

Edit the templates in my_geonode/templates, the css and images to match your needs.

In the my_geonode folder run:

$ python manage.py collectstatic

Github Considerations

While it is helpful to recommit your django project wrapper back to a distributed version control repository. * It is also important to remember that production instances will store security information in the local_settings.py * Admin/Devs should always remember to exclude this file in the .gitignore file in the same folder as the .git:

$ nano .gitignore


save, make sure the file is also removed from git cache:

$ git rm -f --cache //local_settings.py

$ git status

confirm the file is no longer staged for the next commit or that if it is as "removed"