
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Enable the possibility to have subsites in GeoNode.

The subsite is virtual so no additional code is needed to setup the subsites


Add in the geonode settings the following code

INSTALLED_APPS += ("subsites",)
SUBSITE_READ_ONLY = True/False # return download_resourcebase and view resourcebase as permissions
SUBSITE_HIDE_EXCLUSIVE_FROM_SPECIFIC_API = False # If TRUE will hide the `subsite_exclusive` resources also from the detailed endpoint `/documents`, `/maps`, `/datasets`, '/geoapps`

How to configure a subsite

The subsite are configurable ONLY via django admin

  • Open to http://{host}/admin
  • Navigate to the Subsite module
  • Top-right click on Add new sub site

The information must be filled as follows:

  • Slug name an unique identifier. This is going to be used as path to navigate to the subsite. For example:
Slug => subsite_1

subsite_url => `http://{host}/subsite_1/`

Slug => italy

subsite_url => `http://{host}/italy/`
  • Theme: Customized geonode theme to be used under the subsite. see GeoNodeThemeCustomization for more information

  • Region, Category, Groups, Keyword: In this fields is possible to select multiple field. NOTE: This fields have a specific use. If selected, the search result for the subsite are going to be pre-filtered by this values.

The above fiter works in OR if multuple field of the same kind are selected, and in AND between all the filters:

(category==x || category==y || ...) && (keyword==x || keyword==y || ...) && (region==x|| region==y|| ...)

For example 1:

Keyword selected for subsite1 -> key1 means that only the resources with associated the keyword `key1` are going to be returned

Example 2

Keyword selected for subsite1 -> key1
Region selected for subsite1 -> Italy
means that only the resources with associated the keyword `key1` and as region `Italy` are going to be returned

Exclusive keyword

During the app initialization the subsite will automatically generate a keyword named subsite_exclusive. Each resource with this keyword assigned, will be escluded from the global catalogue (this is valid also for the API/v2 /resources, /datasets, /documents, /maps, /geoapps )

NOTE: The subsite_exclusive keyword is used to exclude a resource from the global catalog. This keyword is commonly applied to all resources. If a resource needs to be accessible only within a specific subsite, utilize the additional configuration provided by that subsite to filter it out from other subsites.

For example:

resource1 -> no keyword
resource2 -> keyword1 assinged
resource3 -> subsite_exclusive keyword assigned

Call -> http://localhost:8000/#/
    - will return resource1 and resource2

Via API/v2 /resources, /datasets, /documents, /maps, /geoapps to hide the resources marked as subsite_exclusive enable the following setting:


If enabled, is possible to return all the value even if the subsite_exclusive keyword is set For example:

resource1 -> no keyword
resource2 -> keyword1 assinged
resource3 -> subsite_exclusive keyword assigned

Call -> http://localhost:8000/api/v2/resources/
    - will return resource1 and resource2

Call -> http://localhost:8000/api/v2/resources/?return_all=true
    - will return resource1, resource2 and resource3

Override Subsite template

Follows an example folder about how-to organize the subsite template folder to be able to have a custom template for each subsite.

Folder structure

  • The folder name MUST match the subsite slug defined via django-admin page
  • The folder structure must match the one normally created for an override.

For example, let's assume that we want to override the topbar.html for a specific subsite named subsite_1 and subsite_2

The folder structure must match the one normally used for an override, The template folder inside the path subsites/templates should look similar to this one

└── subsite_1
    └── geonode-mapstore-client
        └── snippets
            └── topbar.html
└── subsite_2
    └── geonode-mapstore-client
        └── snippets
            └── topbar.html        

Global override

The code offers also the possibility to globally override the code for the subsites.

To do it, is enough to place the file in the main templates folder of the app outside from any subsite directory.


├── geonode-mapstore-client
│   ├── _geonode_config.html
│   ├── index.html
│   └── snippets
│       ├── brand_navbar.html
│       ├── search_bar.html
│       └── topbar.html
├── subsites
├───── common
│       └── geonode-mapstore-client
│       └── snippets
│           └── topbar.html
├───── subsite_1
       └── geonode-mapstore-client
       └── snippets
          └── topbar.html

The example above:

  • ALL the subsite will use the override templates available under the geonode-mapstore-client table under the root templates
  • subsite_1 will get the topbar.html from it's specific subsite template folder
  • All the other templates are taken by the common folder if the filw is available otherwise from the default dirs

Let a spefici URLs use the

Subsite doesnt follow the default django "render" function since we have to handle the template dirs dinamically.

To let a specific urls works with this system (example profile, metadata etc..)

  1. register the URL in the subsites/urls.py example
re_path(r"^(?P<subsite>[^/]*)", views.subsite_home, name="subsite_home")
  1. Define the function in views.py
def subsite_home(request, subsite):
    slug = extract_subsite_slug_from_request(request, return_object=False)
    if not slug:
        raise Http404

    return subsite_render(request, "index.html", slug=slug)

The function requires 3 parameters:

  • request: Request object, easily obtainable by the view param
  • template_name: name of the html file to render example index.html
  • slug: The subsite slug. Can be obtained by the request object using the utility function extract_subsite_slug_from_request