
JS functions to translate ISO19139 from/to MapX format

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JS functions to translate ISO19139 from/to MapX format


The package has been developed and tested using

  • node v12.16.2
  • npm 6.14.4

Building and Installing

Grab the source by git cloning and run

npm install

to install the required dependencies.

Build the bundle

In order to build the standalone bundle file, run

npm run build

You'll find the compiled js in dist/iso19139_mapx_converter.js.

Run the tests

In order to run the tests, run

npm run test

Please note that the test script is run using the --experimental-module option, since full ES6 support is only implemented starting from node version 13.

For a syntax check, run

npx eslint src/

Run a test on browser

If you want to run a local test, first build the module, then make sure you have python installed on your machine.

If you have python 2.x, run:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

For python 3, run:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

then point the browser on http://localhost:8000/test/test.html

Build jsdoc

You can create the JSDoc for the functions in index.js by running:

npm run jsdoc

you'll find the generated doc in the doc/ directory.

Reformat code

You can reformat the code with:

npm run format

Make sure you installed js-beautify globally:

npm -g install js-beautify

Running on command line

This package implements a mapping from ISO19139 XML documents to MAPX JSON and vice versa.

There are a couple of command line scripts that performs the conversions. These scripts can also be used as examples for using the mapping functions.

ISO19139 to MAPX conversion

Basic usage:

node --experimental-modules ./src/loadISO.js [-v | -vv] INPUT OUTPUT
  • -v: verbose output (i.e. INFO level logging)
  • -vv: very verbose output (i.e. DEBUG level logging)
  • INPUT: local filename
  • OUTPUT: the output file name for the mapx JSON

MAPX to ISO19139 conversion

Basic usage from command line:

node --experimental-modules ./src/loadMAPX.js [-v | -vv] INPUT OUTPUT
  • -v: verbose output (i.e. INFO level logging)
  • -vv: very verbose output (i.e. DEBUG level logging)
  • INPUT: local filename
  • OUTPUT: the output file name for the ISO19139 XML

Using the converter in the browser

You can find a working example in the test/test.html file.

You need to include the bundle file, e.g.

<script src="dist/iso19139_mapx_converter.js"></script>

You can then call the functions in this way:

        function iso2mapx() {
            var iso_xml = document.getElementById("ta_iso").value;
            var mapx_txt = window.iso19139_mapx_converter.iso19139_to_mapx(iso_xml);
            document.getElementById("ta_mapx").value = mapx_txt;

        function mapx2iso() {
            var mapx = document.getElementById("ta_mapx").value;
            var iso = window.iso19139_mapx_converter.mapx_to_iso19139(mapx);
            document.getElementById("ta_iso").value = iso;

You may want to read the wiki pages for more detailed info.