Such an awesome logger that we had to break it out from the LEO SDK and make it its own project!
- sub
- info
- json
- time
- timeEnd
- log
- debug
- error
- configure
- a = all
- t = time
- i = info
- d = debug
- e = error
- T = printTimestamp
export LEO_LOGGER='/.*/d'
You can log logs for specific namespaces by passing a string when requiring the leo-logger. Example:
const logger = require('leo-logger')('my-special-namespace');
When you use a namespace, logging works the same, but the output will be prefixed with the namespace:
logger.log('My namespaced log');
// outputs: my-special-namespace my namespaced log
If you want to display logs for certain namespaces only, you can adjust LEO_LOGGER to match the namespace.
# Example outputting all logs for my-special-namespace
export LEO_LOGGER='/my\-special\-namespace/a'
You may notice in the previous example how it appears we’re using regex. This allows you to employ more powerful namespace logging. As an example, let’s say you have a shopping cart, and you want to have logs specific to the checkout process. Each of the checkout pages would include the leo-logger. I'm going to use an example of 2 checkout pages, which would look like this:
const logger = require('leo-logger')('checkout-payment');
const logger = require('leo-logger')('checkout-process-order');
Then if you want to display logs for the process-order page, you would do this:
export LEO_LOGGER='/checkout\-process\-order/a'
But if you want to display logs for all checkout pages, you can use the power of regex to select everything starting with “checkout”:
export LEO_LOGGER='/checkout.*/a'
logger.log('my logged message');'my info');
logger.debug('just some debugging code');
// start a timer
// stop a timer
More documentation with examples with code and output.
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