
Basic math operations for Unix pipes.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Basic math operations for Unix pipes.

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$ pcalc --help
Usage: pcalc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Basic math operations for Unix pipes.

  When working with a negative positional argument: '$ pcalc mul -- -1'

  All commands read from 'stdin' and write to 'stdout'.  Most commands
  stream but a few (like median) hold all values in memory.  Empty or all
  whitespace lines are skipped.

  Some commands (typically prefixed with 'r') reduce all input values to a
  single value.  For instance, '$ pcalc add 3' adds 3 to all input values,
  but '$ pcalc radd' adds all the values together like:

      output = 0
      for v in values:
          output = output + v

  For the most part it doesn't matter, but this tool is implemented in
  Python with floating point division enabled when running in Python 2.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  abs     Compute absolute value.
  add     Add a constant to values.
  ceil    Ceiling values.
  div     Divide values by a constant.
  floor   Floor values.
  mean    Compute mean.
  median  Compute median.
  mod     Modulo values by a single divisor.
  mode    Compute mode.
  mul     Multiply values by a constant.
  pow     Exponentiation of values by a constant.
  radd    Reduce by addition.
  rdiv    Reduce by division.
  rmod    Reduce by modulo.
  rmul    Reduce by multiplication.
  round   Round values.
  rsub    Reduce by subtraction.
  sub     Subtract a constant from values.
  sum     Compute sum.


$ git clone https://github.com/geowurster/pcalc.git
$ cd tpcalc
$ pip install -e .\[dev\]
$ py.test --cov pcalc --cov-report term-missing


