
cloud native geospatial demo

Primary LanguageHTML

Cloud Native Geospatial Demo

File Formats

  • Mapbox Vector Tiles
  • Cloud Optimized GeoTiff
  • Tiledb
  • Zarr

Mapbox Vector Tiles

  • Pregenerate Vector Tiles
    • GDAL with MVT Plugin
    • Tippecanoe
  • Generate Dynamic Vector Tiles

mvtview (https://github.com/mapbox/mvtview) - Test generated Vector tile

HTTP Caching:

  • No Caching - Include Cache-Control:max-age=0;s-maxage=0
    • Client-side Mapping applications like Mapbox GL Js would request tile from server every time
    • Ideal for dynamic data but client wont request for updates until user interacts with map like map pan or zoom
  • Cache with Max Age - Include Cache-Control:max-age=180;s-maxage=0 -> in seconds
    • Client-side Mapping applications like Mapbox GL Js would request request new tile every 3 seconds automatically
    • Ideal for real time data
    • Regular tile update may cause map flicker. check if other technology like web sockets can be utilized for this use case
  • Server-Side Caching - HTTP Etag is being used to implement it.
    • Include Cache-Control:private and Etag header first time when user request tile
    • For subsequent tile request check if request contains the header "If-None-Match". match the ETag to determine if content is updated else return "304 Not Modified".


  • Use gzip compression to serve vector tiles
  • Choose right HTTP Caching strategy based on usecase
  • To cut down the tiling time choose appropriate number of tile levels (Pregenerate Vector Tiles)
  • To improve user experience Push lower tile levels first to object storage (Pregenerate Vector Tiles)


  • OGC Spatio Temporal Asset Catalog
  • OGC Catalogue Service


  • S3
  • MinIo

Local Development

docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans

init data

docker exec -it data_loader_tile /bin/bash ./data_loader.sh

random notes

#./mc ls minio/test #./mc policy set public minio/test # #

GDAL performace improvement investigate GDAL_NUM_THREADS configuration option. https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/mvt.html How to compute max-zoom level required for data?