This repository holds both the frontend web-application and backend server that make up our "Land Cover Mapping" tool.
- Open a terminal on the machine
- Install conda (note: if you are using a DSVM on Azure then you can skip this step as conda is preinstalled!)
# Install Anaconda
cd ~
bash # select "yes" for setting up conda init
# logout and log back in
- Install NVIDIA drivers if you intend on using GPUs; note this might require a reboot (note: again, if you are using a DSVM on a Azure GPU VM then this is also handled)
- Setup the repository and install the demo data
# Get the project and demo project data
git clone
wget -O ""
unzip -q
# unzip the tileset that comes with the demo data
cd landcover/data/basemaps/
unzip -q
unzip -q
rm *.zip
cd ../../../
# install the conda environment
# Note: if using a DSVM on Azure, as of 7/6/2020 you need to first run `sudo chown -R $USER /anaconda/`
cd landcover
conda env create --file environment_precise.yml
cd ..
A last step is required to configure the backend server with the demo models/data.
Create and edit web_tool/endpoints.mine.js
. Replace "localhost" with the address of your machine (or leave it alone it you are running locally), and choose the port you will use (defaults to 8080). Note: make sure this port is open to your machine if you are using a remote sever (e.g. with a DSVM on Azure, use the Networking tab to open port 8080).
cp landcover/web_tool/endpoints.js landcover/web_tool/endpoints.mine.js
nano landcover/web_tool/endpoints.mine.js
The backend server looks for dataset definitions in two places: web_tool/datasets.json
and web_tool/datasets.mine.json
. The latter is included in .gitignore
and is where you can add custom datasets following the template of the default datasets in web_tool/datasets.json
Similar to datasets, the backend server looks for model definitions in two places: web_tool/models.json
and web_tool/models.mine.json
. The latter is included in .gitignore
and is where you can add custom models following the template of the default datasets in web_tool/models.json
The additional step you need to take for adding custom models is creating a class that extends ModelSession
(from web_tool/
) to wrap your custom model, then create a constructor in
to handle your custom class type. Note: we have included implementations of ModelSession
that handle standard use cases of Keras and PyTorch based models. The ModelSession
interface exists to allow for easy customization of retraining and inference logic.
- Edit
of the SessionHandler class in to include the GPU resources you want to use on your machine. By default this is set to use GPU IDs 0 through 4.
Whether you configured the web-tool in an Azure VM or locally, the following steps should apply to start an instance of the backend server:
- Open a terminal on the machine and
to the root directory (wherever/you/cloned/landcover/
) conda activate landcover
- This will start an HTTP server on :8080 that both serves the frontend web-application and responds to API calls from the frontend, allowing the web-app to interface with models (i.e. the backend).
- The web-tool comes preloaded with two datasets (defined in
) and two models (defined inweb_tool/models.json
- You should now be able to visit
http://<your machine's address>:8080/
and see the frontend web-application.
The frontend contains two pages: a landing page (Figure 1), and the web-application (Figure 2).
On the landing page you must select: a "dataset", a "model", and a "checkpoint" in order to start a session in the web application. Pressing "Start Server" will start a "Session" that is connected to a GPU or CPU resource and take you to the web-application page where you can interactively run inference with and fine-tune the selected model.
On the web-application page:
- Use "shift+click" to run inference with the model.
- Select a class from the list on the right side of the page and "click" within the area that you previously ran inference on (highlighted in red on the map) to provide a point examples of the selected class.
- Press the "Retrain" button or "r" to retrain the last layer of the model.
- Note: You must add at least one sample from each class before retraining
- In the demo models, retraining will completely overfit the last layer of the CNN using the cumulative provided point examples.
- Use "s" to toggle the opacity of the prediction layer on the map between 0 and 100.