
Marine biology image database by CEBIMar/USP.

Primary LanguagePython

Cifonauta is an image database for marine organisms created by the Marine Biology Center of University of São Paulo (CEBIMar/USP) in an effort to share scientific information produced by research projects and teaching activities of the center.

Content is organized by descriptive information such as taxonomic classification, life stage, geolocation, references, and other tags, and can be browsed and refined interactively.

Project developed with Python using Django framework and PostgreSQLdatabase.

URL: http://cifonauta.cebimar.usp.br/

Authors: Alvaro E. Migotto & Bruno C. Vellutini

Support: CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Call MCT / CNPq No. 42/2007 (process 551951/2008-7).